𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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This chapter is pretty long! Just a warning

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This chapter is pretty long! Just a warning



Thursday afternoon...

"Beautiful?" I asked looking at Natsu with confusion. "Oh! Um nothing sorry." He said his face turning red. I giggle. 

"Lu, I'm about to leave." Gray said walking into the room. I stood on my tiptoes to give him a hug. Behind me he glared at Natsu and Natsu glared back. Rouge announced he was leaving too and followed Gray out the door. 

I turned to see Sting still on the couch. "Rouge get your ass back here and get your brother!" Sting looked at me hurt. "Aww let me stay here with you Lulu." He whined as he hugged me and put his chin on my head. 

"Nice try. Out now." He whimpered and walked out the door.

All that was left were me and Natsu. "You know how G wanted you to bring Wendy over tomorrow?" He nodded. "I was thinking of throwing a dinner party and inviting everyone. You still haven't officially met Lisanna." I said. "Sounds like a great idea! I can also bring over Zeref." He replied. 

"Great how about 8:30?" 


A few minutes later Natsu received a text from Zeref telling him to head home. He waved good bye to me as he walked out the door. 

I added Natsu to our group chat as I texted everyone the date and time of the dinner party.




Thursday night 2:16 am...

Sting had showed up at my house at 2 in the morning. 2 IN THE MORNING. "What the hell?" I questioned him as he dragged me out into the street. I was still shirtless and in sweat pants. I look up to see Gray and Gajeel. 

"Did he have to come?" Gray asked. I just rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked glaring at Sting. "Dude chill out, you didn't have to come." He says like a clueless idiot. "YOU JUST DRAGGED-" I was cut off by Gray tackling me.

"Shut up dude! Your gonna wake up the whole damn neighborhood!" He hisses at me. "Tell me what's going on." I hiss back. 

"Sting wants to sleepover at Bunny's house so we're supervising him." Gajeel explains. "It was Sting's bright idea to bring you along too." Gray adds. 

"You sure she doesn't mind a bunch of guys breaking into her house in the middle of the night." I ask a little creeped out. "Ew, dude why are you thinking like that. We've know her way to long to like her like that." Gray says and Gajeel nods. 

"What about Sting?" 

"Sting is to dumb to even figure out what we're talking about." Gajeel concludes.

Flashback ends... 


Lucy's house Thursday night 2:45...

And that's how we ended up here.

"Shh be quiet your being so loud!"

"Can we just get this over with. Lu is gonna kill us if we wake her up."

"It's unlocked!"

Me, Gray, Gajeel, and Sting enter Lucy's room. I'm guessing Gray and Gajeel have been here before because they immediately plop down on the floor meanwhile Sting looks around in awe. I glance over to see Lucy sleeping on the bed. 

She looks so peaceful, like she does when she's reading. "Hey pervert how about you stop staring at my little sister like that." Gray says, glaring daggers. I turn away embarrassed and look at Plue sleeping on the end of her bed. 

"What do we do now?" I question. "We sleep duh." Gajeel says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. I stare in awe as Gray and Gajeel walk around like they live here. 

Gajeel walks back down stairs and lays on the couch. Meanwhile Gray grabs some blankets from Lucy's closet and tosses one to me. "Is this normal?" I ask as Sting shrugs and walks down stairs. I follow him down the steps and pick a couch to lay on. I close my eyes and doze off.


Friday morning 7:35 am...

I wake up and look around me. I suddenly remember I'm in Lucy's home along with Gray, Gajeel, and Sting. Gajeel is no longer asleep and is on his phone and Sting is on the floor. 

Next thing I know Lucy walks in with Gray following. Lucy's hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing sweats and a crop top, she was also holding three mugs and a toothbrush and tooth paste. She looks really good in that. Like really fucking good.

"Good morning!" She chirps handing Gajeel and me coffee. "Your not mad?" I asks as she sits beside me drinking her own coffee. "Nah. Though, I'm kinda surprised your here." She states handing me a tooth brush. "That's for you Gajeel and Gray already have one here and I figured you should to." I nod sipping my coffee when I hear a groan form the other side of the room.

"Aww, Lulu where's my coffee." Sting whined as he got off the floor. She ignores him and 'accidentally' steps on him as she walks into the kitchen. 

She suddenly comes back and throws me a uniform shirt. "That's Gray's it should fit! I'm going upstairs to get ready!" She yells before marching up the stairs. I turn to look at gray who does not look happy to let me be wearing his shirt.

10 minutes later Lucy is back down stairs dressed and ready for school. "Gray! Hurry it up, Erza is already here!" Gray suddenly runs out the kitchen and out the door. Gajeel, Sting, Lucy, and I follow behind. 

I look down the driveway to see a car with 2 people in it. I recognize Erza but the Passenger has blue hair I've never seen before. "Good morning guys!" Erza says as Gray, Gajeel, and Lucy climb into the car. 

Sting then gets in and I follow. "Morning Erza, hey Jellal!" Lucy calls from the back. Jellal turns back and waves before refocusing his attention on Erza. 

"I'm glad they were at your place today Lu, saves me the trouble of stopping by their houses." Erza says glancing back. "If only I was as happy about it as you are." Lucy responds sighing. "Oh come on you know you love us." Gray says as Lucy tries to hides her grin. 

The car engine starts as we head off to school.



Ok this chapter was long but I really enjoyed writing it! As always if you like drop a follow!

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now