𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Just as the RV pulled up to my house I spotted Mira on the front steps. Uh-oh. I wave good bye to everyone grab my stuff and step out of the RV. 

"Hey Mira." I say chuckling nervously. "Don't you 'Hey Mira' me. You were gone all summer! ALL SUMMER! Do you know how worried I was." She yells shaking me back and forth. "I only gave you permission cause you said you would be gone a week." She sighs rubbing her temples.

Luckily for me I have just the thing for this. I whip out my phone and tap Mira on the shoulder. Her face lights up as I swipe through photos of Natsu and Lucy, Levy and Gajeel, and Erza and Jellal. 

"Wait, STOP!" She yells snatching my phone. She swipes back to the video of Gray and Juvia kissing. "Gruvia, oml GRUVIA!" She jumps up and down on our lawn. I smile and slip inside and up to my room. If I'm lucky that will keep her busy for an hour or so.




My parents were not happy. At all. Not about the trip, not about my new boyfriend, and not about me lying to them. They kept going on and on about how I'm dating a delinquent or how I'm gonna turn out like Cana.

lucky for me both my parents work a lot and have a business trip this evening. I only survived this summer by telling them I was here but they just didn't see me because I was out a lot. Which was kind of hard for them to believe when half my closet was empty. I'll be lucky if I ever see the light of day again.




Right now I'm at Rouges house being yelled at. "Dude you need to go home like now. Mom and dad are pissed. I had to lie and say I didn't know about the trip to avoid trouble." He says looking me dead in the eye.

"Please. Please. Please let me stay here. I bet they are camped out in my house waiting for me." I begged kneeling on the floor. "Oh hell no I'm not getting in trouble for you. you need to leave ASAP." He says opening his door and picking up my bag. 

Just as he opens the door, my parents ring the doorbell. I take off out the back door and head straight for Lucy's house. 



I ignore them and keep running.




Juvia is more than scared to face Juvia's parents. Juvia left so suddenly to get to Gray-Sama at Lucy's beach house. Juvia kind of forgot to tell Juvia's parents. Now they probably are really mad at Juvia. Juvia didn't mean to stay all summer at the house it kind of just happened.

As Juvia opens her house door she sees nobody home and breathes a breath of relief. No punishment yet.




So I kinda asked Zeref about the trip....he said no. But I went anyway and it was worth it. Or at least I think it was. I slowly twist my door knob and peek inside. Just as I'm about to race up the stairs I run into Wendy.

Her face lights up. "Natsu-Nee! I thought you left us forever." She says crying into my shirt. I try and shush her before it's to late but then I turn to see Zeref. Most times he is calm and soft spoken but when he gets mad all hell breaks loose. 


I sprint up the stairs into my room and lock the door. I slide down the door and breathe out a breath of relief. I hear a loud slam and then a foot appears beside my head. Oh shit he's really pissed. I turn to see Zeref's foot through my door.

I turn to jump out the window when a hand grabs my collar. Shit. Zeref drags me out of my room and down the stairs. "Wendy! Wendy help me! Please!" I yell. She tugs on Zeref's sleeve and he looks down at her. I know he has a weakness for Wendy so I need her on my side. "Please don't hurt Natsu-Nee that much." She says. That much?! Don't hurt me at all! Zeref nods and continues to drag me.



Finally an average sized chapter. We are slowly nearing the end and I'm kinda sad about it. My new book will be announced at the end of this series make sure to check it out!

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now