𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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6 years later...


Tuesday morning...

"GET UP!!!"

I groan and roll over to see Levy and Erza in my door way. "Why?" I ask as they drag me out of bed. "Are you serious? Did you actually forget?" Erza asks pushing me into the car and hopping in behind me. 

"Today is your wedding day!"

My eyes widen. I check the time and see I slept in 30 minutes. "Shit. Step on it." Levy presses the gas and speeds down the road. The venue we decided on was my beach house on the private beach. 

Levy pulls up in front of the house and we all jump out of the car. I run into the dressing room and sit down for makeup. Around me I see my bridesmaids getting ready. Levy, Lisanna, Juvia, Ultear, and Lily were bridesmaids. Erza was the maid of honor, Wendy was the ring bearer, and Meredy was the flower girl.

As soon as I finished my makeup I throw on my wedding dress and grab flowers. 5 minutes left. I turn to my friends. "I'm so fucking nervous." They all hug me and congratulate me. I hear a knock on the door and turn to see Gray. He's supposed to be walking me down the aisle.

"You ready?" 

"As ready as I'll every be." I hook my arm with his and we all line up. The music starts playing and Meredy walks out in front. Soon I'm walking down the aisle. I spot the groomsman Gajeel, Sting, Rouge, and Zeref. Then I spot my soon to be husband.

He is wearing a tuxedo with a flower pinned to his shirt. I giggle to myself, he looks so silly dressed up in formal attire.



Then I see her. She's walking next to Gray in a beautiful wedding dress that trails behind her. I feel my eyes glaze over. I don't think I've ever seen anything that matches her beauty. 

She stands next to me looking as nervous as ever. I assume the priest was saying all that shit about vows and what not but I wasn't listening because all I could see was her. "Um Natsu" She says looking at me. "Huh? What?" She motions towards the priest and he repeats his line. 

"I said do you take Lucy Heartfilia to be your lawfully wedded wife." My face goes a deep shade of red and I hear a few laughs in the crowd. "I do." He repeats the same line for Lucy and she says, "I do." We do a quick kiss and then cheers erupt from the crowd. 

We skip all that cutting the cake and speeches shit and got straight to the party. Knowing our friends they wouldn't be able to sit still. Soon we're all on the beach drinking dancing and laughing. 

I would definitely have to say this was the best day of my life.



Yay! Married! The last chapter is coming up :( This book has been really fun to write and I hope it gets more views once completed.

Anyway here is the list of who attended the wedding if your wondering. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Gajeel, Levy, Lisanna, Sting, Juvia, Rouge, Zeref, Wendy, Mavis, Ultear, Meredy, Jellal, Lily, Mr. Fullbuster, Mr. and Ms. Scarlett, Ms. Redfox, Mirajane, Elfman, Cana, Yukino, and Minerva.
As you can see it was kept fairly small. Anyway if you like then follow!

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now