𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Wednesday afternoon...

I run down stairs as I hear my doorbell ring. "Is that Wendy?!?" Zeref yells from another room.

Earlier she had said she was going out to explore the neighborhood. That was over an hour ago, as you can guess me and Zeref were worried. Wendy wasn't exactly the best at decision making, she was very shy and timid.

I run to the door and swing it open to see Wendy.....BLEEDING!?!? I start freaking out and calling for Zeref. What was I supposed to do? What if she DIED!?!?

As Zeref walks up beside me he looks at me like I'm an idiot. "Thank you for taking care of her, Wendy go grab a wet towel." He says. That was when I looked up. Next to where Wendy was standing there was a blonde teenager. 

She was pretty, like really fucking gorgeous.

 She looked my age, was curvy, had blonde hair down her back, and warm chocolate brown eyes. She was scratching the back of her head as she assured Zeref it was no trouble helping Wendy. 

I felt like a dumb ass. 

"I'm sorry that was rude of me, thanks for bringing back Wendy." I finally say after internally freaking out for a good 5 minutes. "It was no problem at all I'm Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia. What's your name?" She asks.

"Natsu, Natsu Dragneel. This is my older brother Zeref and my younger sister Wendy." I say. "Well it was nice to meet you maybe I'll see you around. Bye bye Wendy." She knelt down to my younger sisters level and waved. Zeref thanked her and took Wendy Inside. 

Just as she was about to leave I turned around. "Wait!" I yelled. "How about I walk you home?" I said as my signature grin plastering itself on my face. "Sure why not!" She chirped back at me. I grabbed my shoes and ran out the door.



I eyed Natsu's pink hair as we walked. 

"So, I haven't seen you guys around before are you new to the neighborhood?" I asked. "Yup! Just moved in last week. I'm transferring schools tomorrow." He replied smiling at me. His smile was so genuine and handsome. I smiled back. 

When we arrived at my house I noticed my front door open and a person siting on the steps. I marched up to him. "Rouge please don't tell me Sting is in there." I asked slightly irked as Natsu watched from the sidewalk. "That's not all." He said looking up from his phone with bored eyes.

 I charged in the house "STING!!" I yelled displeased. 

Meanwhile Natsu sat on my steps and introduced himself to Rouge. Rouge grunted a greeting and went back to his phone.

I walk into my kitchen to find a shirtless Gray eating cereal, Sting rummaging through my fridge and Gajeel knocked out on my couch. Can't he sleep in his own house? From the looks of things I'm guessing Gray and Gajeel were here first and Sting came later. 

"What are you doing in my house!?" I yell, picking up a spatula as a weapon. Sting looked up and took off, as did Gray.

I was chasing them both around the house when they tripped on Gajeel's shoes and I tripped on top of them.

Hearing the loud crash Natsu jumped up and ran into the house as Rouge lazily followed. They walked in to see a dog pile of me, Gray, and Sting. Natsu stifled a laugh as Rouge flipped his camera on.

"Man sting, wait till Lisanna gets a load of this." Rouge said chuckling. Sting jumped up slipping and falling onto the couch where Gajeel was. Gajeel groaned as he opened his eyes to the scene in front of him. 

As he scanned the room the first thing out of his mouth was,

"Who's Pinky?"

I turned to look at Natsu, I had totally forgotten he was here!



WHEW! I'm finally done! Anyways like I said last time if you like the story drop a follow. Off  to bed it is for me bye! 🤧

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now