𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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Friday afternoon after school...

"Lily are you here?" I yelled up the stairs. I had just gotten back from school. "Gajeel-san!" Lily yelled jumping on my back as I walked into the kitchen.

"Go upstairs and get changed we're going over to Bunny's for dinner." "Ok" She said running back up the stairs to change. Suddenly I hear my door bell ring.

As I opened the door I looked down to see none other than Levy McGarden. Why was she here? "Hey Shrimp, what are you doing here?" I say squatting down to her level. She flicks me in the forehead while blushing. 

"Shut up. Lucy sent me over to get a book." She walks into my house and starts looking around. "Give me a sec I'll go get her stuff." I run upstairs and come back down with clothes and a book. "She left this crap here to." I say handing the stuff to levy. 

"W-Why do you have Lucy's clothes?" She asks blushing. "Bunny slept over here last week to hang out with Lily" I reply. "Okay." She says still blushing and turns to walk out the door. 

"Don't worry. I love you Levy." 


I can't believe I just said that.



"Don't worry. I love you Levy."

What?! Did I hear him right?

I slowly turn on my heel as I drop Lu-Chan's stuff. I can't even speak. I'm sure I look like a tomato right now. "W-W-What?" I say seeing Gajeel turn red. "Nothing. Get out." He says turning around so I can't see his face.



"I l-love you too."


"S-Shut up!"

I suddenly feel arms wrap around me as I snuggle into Gajeel's chest. "Thank you."

Before I can respond Gajeel closes the gap between us as his lips meet mine. After a minute or two I pull away and grab my phone. I type something and turn back to Gajeel pushing my lips onto his.



As I'm setting up my house for the party I hear my phone ding. 


Levy: I got your stuff but I might be a little late to the party. 


What does that mean? I only sent her across the street-....Don't tell me. Gajeel finally told her how he feels! I do a little victory dance as I hear my door open and close. 


I roll my eyes as Sting walks in with Gray and Ultear behind him. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Ul dragged me over saying we should help set up." Gray responds as Ultear walks into my kitchen and starts cooking. 

"Thanks Ul, but you didn't have to." "I wanted to. Plus being stuck in a house with Gray alone is not fun." I'm guess Meredy is with her dad tonight. To bad I would have loved to see her. 

I walk over and hug Gray and Ultear as Sting looks at me neglected. "Where's Rouge?" I ask ignoring him. "LUCCCCYY!" He yells my name pouting on the floor. Gray plops down on the couch and picks up Plue. 

"Guess who just got a girlfriend?" I whisper to Gray's ear. "Who?" I grin,"G did. And guess who it is." He looks at me in shock. "Levy?!?" I silently nod while smirking. 

"Hey! I wanna know too." Sting pouts still sitting on the floor. "If I told you the whole fucking world would find out." I say shrugging and walking into the kitchen. 

We cook and chat for the next 2 hours until everyone arrives. 

We all sit at my kitchen table and eat dinner. Everyone is laughing and having fun. I'm glad this was able to work out for everyone. Natsu and Gray haven't fought once since Erza arrived with Jellal. 

After dinner some people go into the living room while others stay in the kitchen.



Whew! Finally done! I hope that Gajevy scene was ok it was my first time trying to write a sort of romantic scene. I tried to make their actions match their personality's. I hope your satisfied. I think chapter 10 will be a filler but I'm not sure. Anyway hope you enjoyed and If you did follow!

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now