𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Friday night after dinner...

We just finished dinner and everyone is hanging out. Ultear is in my kitchen washing dishes while chatting with Zeref and Mirajane, who are sitting at the counter. Wendy and Lily seem to be getting along really well and are sitting at the table. 

Rouge is on the couch chatting with Levy while me and Gray were grilling Gajeel on what happened between him and Levy. Lisanna, Sting, and Natsu look like they are having a good time with Erza and Jellal. 

After another hour or so of watching movies Zeref, Mira, and Ultear came into the living room. Zeref said he had to get Wendy home and Ultear told Gajeel she would drop off Lily at his house. 

"See you guys later." 

"Make sure you don't come home to late." 

"Bye Lis." 

The adults all waved as they left. A few minutes later Jellal and Erza announced they were leaving and left after giving out hugs. 

"Whew! Tonight was fun. I'm glad I came." Gray said yawning and flopping onto the couch. "Yea like you had a choice. Ul would have dragged your ass here regardless." Gajeel laughed. "Wanna make this even more fun, lets play Truth or Dare!" Lisanna exclaims shooting Sting a thumbs up. 

Gray groaned as Rouge rolled his eyes. Everybody else seemed indifferent so we pushed the couch back and formed a circle on the floor.

"Oh oh! Me first!" Lisanna bounced up and down raising her hand. "Gray, truth or dare?" Gray shivered when he thought of what he might have to reveal if he chose truth. "Dare." He replied to Lisannna. 

"I dare you to... oh! show us pictures from when you, Lucy, Gajeel, and Erza were kids!" She laughed. Gray ran over to my book shelf and pulled out a photo album. He's flipping through the pages when Lisanna yells at him to stop. He stops on a page with 4 photos. 

One had me and him in a bathtub while Ultear sat beside it. Another was me drawing with chalk while Erza, Gajeel, and gray were fighting in the background. The third was me and Gray's moms holding us as babies. Last was a pic of me, Gray, Erza, and Gajeel holding hands and smiling. 

Gray slammed the album shut as he turned away blushing. Everyone was laughing and talking about how cute we all looked. "Ok whatever it's my turn now." Gray said scanning the room. 

"Levy, truth or dare." 

"M-Me?! Um okay truth."

Gray thinks for a second and then grins. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Levy quickly glanced at Gajeel before turning into a tomato. "Y-Yes." "Who!?" Sting and Lisanna jumped up at the same time. 

"G-Gajeel." Lisanna looks like she is about to pass out as Gajeel turns away and mumbles. 

Levy regains her composure as she looks around for a victim. "Rouge, truth or dare." Sting and Lisanna glance over at Rouge who looks completely uninterested and says. "Dare." "Seriously?" 

Several people's jaws drop seeing as Rouge was always quiet and uninterested. "U-Um I dare you to..." Levy whispers the rest in his ear. He pulls his phone out, types something, puts it away, and goes back to reading. Levy comes back over and sits down. "He did it." She says satisfied.

Without glancing up Rouge goes, "Gajeel, truth or dare." Gajeel rolls his eyes. "Dare." "I dare you to tell us how you met one person in this room." Gajeel chuckles and looks at me and Gray. 

"I was walking down the street and I bump into this girl on the side walk. She dropped something so I look down to see a box with cake. 'Sorry about that' I tell her. Next thing I know this crazy red haired bitch attacks me."

"We were fighting and ended up rolling into the street. Then a kid with raven hair grabs the girl while a Blondie comes over to me. She helps me up and tells me to follow her. Soon me, this Blondie, red haired girl, and shirtless kid are walking down the sidewalk and we stop outside of a house."

Suddenly the door burst open and Ultear runs in. "GRAY WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" She pauses when she see us. "Wait, What?" She asks. "Rouge texted me saying you got one of your girl friends pregnant." She looks at Rouge. "It was a dare." He responds not glancing up. 

Levy giggles, "Revenge is sweet." Gray mumbles something and then Sting pipes up. "Wanna play truth or dare with us?" Ultear thinks for a second before shrugging and sitting down on the floor next Gray.

"Anyways...The door opens and I see a 10 year old with short hair. She grabs the shirtless boy and drags him inside as the Blondie runs past her and gets band aids. She shoves them towards me and the red head before hiding behind the 10 year old. 'Go sit at the table' the 10 year old tells us. We sit down and she places slices of cake in front of us. 

The red heads eyes glow as she digs in. 'I'm Gray that's my older sister Ultear and that's Lucy' the shirtless kid says pointing to Bunny and his sister. ' I'm Erza' the red head says. They all turn to me and I tell them 'I'm Gajeel'. And that is how I met Bunny, Gray, Ultear, and Erza."

Me, Gray, and Gajeel are laughing while Sting stares at Gajeel in shock. "You fought back against the Great Erza?" He says in awe. "You have some real guts Gajeel." Sting says before looking away. 

As we kept playing our laughs grew louder and louder until it was finally Sting's turn. "Since everyone has gone I ask you all truth or dare!" He says grinning widely. "Raise your hand for Dare." 

Gajeel, Gray, Lisanna, Ultear, and Natsu raise their hands. Sting's grin expands as he now has majority rules. "Everyone plays rock, paper, scissors against me if you lose you strip." He and Lisanna are high-fiving and laughing, meanwhile Gray and Gajeel are both glaring daggers. 

He goes around the room playing rock paper scissors until he's played with everyone. The people who lost were Gray, Lisanna, Ultear, Rouge, Gajeel and...




Okay so I love this chapter. It was long sure but I love writing about Gray, Lucy, Erza, and Gajeel as kids! Chapter 10 will be a filler chapter of a summer when they were kids. As alway if you like then Follow! Thx, bye guys!

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