𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Ok so this chapter is a filler

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Ok so this chapter is a filler. It has absolutely nothing to do with the story line so you can skip it if you want. 


8 years ago, summer Lucy's beach house...

Lucy, Gray, and Gajeel are 9, Erza is 10, Lily is 4, and Ultear is 13.

I walked down stairs in my night gown to see Gajeel passed out on the couch and Ultear in the kitchen. "Good morning Ul!" I chirp with a smile. "Is Auntie here?" "No she went out." Ultear responds placing a waffle in front of me. 

I turn as I see Erza walking down stairs in her pajamas rubbing her eyes. "Good morning Lucy, Ultear." She says sitting next to me. As we start eating Erza suddenly gets up and walks over to the couch where Gajeel is sleeping.

She grabs a pillow and starts hitting him. "How am I supposed to enjoy breakfast when your snoring!!!" She yells. Gajeel groans as he wakes up. He glares at Erza as she sticks her tongue out at him.

"Where are Gray and Lily?" He asks joining us at the table and taking a piece of my waffle. "Right here!" Gray exclaims coming down stairs with Lily on his back. "Good morning Gajeel-san, Lucy-nee, Zaza, Ul" (you can guess who Zaza is)

Gray plops Lily down next to her brother and sits beside me. "So what are we doing today Lu?" Gray asks looking at me expectantly. We are going to be here for a week so we rotate choosing what to do for the day. Today was our 5th day here so it was my turn to choose.

"First we are going swimming, then we eat lunch at the beach, and for dinner we go to the Board walk." I exclaim excited. The Board walk was a dock close on the water with restaurants, games, and a Ferris wheel. Ultear smiled at me and sat plates down in front of Gajeel, Gray, and Lily. 

After eating everyone went to their rooms to get ready for the day. I put on my pink swimsuit on under a dress and wore sandals. I put the money my dad gave me into a purse along with sunglasses and sunscreen. Once I finished changing I walked across the hall to Erza's room. 

"Erza!" I yelled, knocking before going in. Erza had her long red hair in french braids and was wearing a one piece swimsuit with jean shorts. "Erza can you put my hair up?" I asked siting on her bed. "Sure!" She climbed on the bed behind me and put my hair into pigtails. "Thanks!" "No problem." She grabbed her bag and my hand and we went downstairs.

We walked down stairs to see Gajeel in a shirt and swim trunks and Gray was shirtless with swim trunks. Ultear was in the kitchen in a yellow sundress holding Lily who had a swim suit and a bucket hat on. Erza went into the kitchen to help Ultear pack lunches and put them in her bag. Gajeel grabbed the cooler as we headed out to the beach.


15 minutes later...

I was in the water playing with Gray, Gajeel, and Erza while Ultear was sitting on the beach with Lily. I glance up at the shore for a second and turn back to see.....Erza and Gajeel trying to drown  each other!?! 

"Guys that's dangerous!" I yell making my way over to them. I feel hands wrap around my waist and throw me into the water. After I come back up I glare at the only person who could have done it.


"You can't catch me!" He says sticking his tongue out at me. I chase him onto the shore as Gajeel and Erza join in. Now all four of us are running in a line along the beach. Suddenly Gray stops making me crash into him and topple over. 

I look down and see a cut on my knee that's bleeding. I clutch my knee and start tearing up. "Why did you stop dummy?" I say looking up. "Um guys, Where's Ultear?" Erza points out. 

My face goes pale. At this point I'm full on crying. Erza tries to calm me down and rinse the cut while Gray and Gajeel try to figure out which way we came from. We were running in circles and zigzags so we didn't know where to go.

"It's ok Lu, we'll get back." Gray says bending down and patting my head. "Gray's right there's no way we'll stay lost if we have the 'Great Erza' with us." Gajeel sneers and he and Erza exchange glares. I slowly nod. Gray then puts me on his shoulders and we start walking. 


20 minutes later...

Rather than ending up at the beach house we end up at the Board walk. Suddenly it's like we all forgot about being lost. Erza buys us all Ice cream as we walk around playing games and looking at people walking.

After it becomes night we are all walking around trying to decide what to do. Suddenly from atop Gray's shoulders I spot familiar raven hair. "Look Gray!" I yell as he spots his older sister. Gray, Gajeel, and Erza break into a run as I hold onto Gray's hair for dear life. 


Ultear was holding lily and ran towards us. Lily starts crying as Gajeel takes her out of Ultear's arms. Ultear lifts me off Gray's shoulders so she can start beating him for getting us lost. "It wasn't just me ya know!" He yells. She turns to me, Gajeel, and Erza. She then turns back to Gray and knocks him out. 

"Guys, we gotta go home right now, do you know what time it is?" Ultear asks lifting Gray onto her back. None of us had phones the sunset had just happened like and hour or so ago. "We were supposed to be back by 6:00 it's 8:00!" Ultear yells. 

Gajeel puts Lily on his shoulders and breaks into a run, Ultear follows with Gray. Erza reaches her hand out to me and I take it so we can catch up.


The beach house...

Once we show up at the house we find Gray's mom outside on the phone. She looks at us and runs over. "Is everyone okay? Where were you guys?" She asks looking at her passed out son and my scarred knee. "What did you guys do?!" She asks clearly exhausted. 

"We had fun!"



Okay that was so fun to write I actually might do another one later. This should give you a better idea of how close the four are. If you stayed around to read thx! lmk if you liked it!

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