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7 years after the wedding...



I roll my eyes. "Hi Sting." I say as Yukino walks in behind him. "Uncle Sting is here!! Yay!" Nashi runs down stair with Luke on her back. They jump on Sting and tackle him over. Me and Yukino start chatting as another guest arrives. 

"Hey Lu!" Gray shouts as he walks in. Behind him come Juvia, Storm, Levy, Gajeel, and Gale. As soon as they enter Gale, Nashi, and Storm run off to play with each other. Believe it or not we all still live in the same neighborhood so the kids practically grew up together. 

"Hey guys!" I say and greet Juvia and Levy with a hug. Natsu takes Gajeel, Gray, and Sting outside to help him with the grill. After about 10 more minutes in walk Zeref, Wendy, Lily, Ultear, and Mira. We all greet each other and Mira and Ultear come to help in the kitchen.

After another 20 minutes Rouge arrives along with his wife Minerva and Lisanna. We all start to set the table and the kids finally settle down when we hear the door open again. In walks Erza, Jellal, and Rose. "Aunty Lucy!" She shouts before jumping on me. I pick her up and hug Erza. 

We all settle down for dinner and start eating. It's been a while since we were all together like this, so much has happened. For one I'm pregnant, again, this time with twins. I hear Mira's on her third baby as well. Juvia and Gray, along with Gajeel and Levy were recently married. Erza and Jellal have been traveling a lot with Rose so it's rare for them to be able to see everyone. 

This reminds me of the dinner party we had about 13ish years back. That was the party when me and Natsu had our first kiss. And of course I was drunk. But I'm glad it happened, I'm glad all of it happened. 

Because now, I get to sit here with my family. 



Ok Fairy Tail High is officially done. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you guys enjoyed reading. The next book I'm writing will be announced in the next author's note and I hope you guys check it out. Thanks for reading and bye!!!

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now