𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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So here we are. Me on top of Gray, Sting on the floor, Gajeel on the couch, and Rouge recording the whole thing.

"Wait I remember who you are!" Gray exclaims. 



Me, Gray, and Gajeel were walking home from school talking sometime last week...

"So what are you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing, oh hey Bunny can Lily come over to your house tomorrow? She wants to hang out."



As we walk walked over to where we heard the noise we see a moving truck, broken plates, pink hair, and a blue cat. What the fu......

Flashback ends...


"Yea! that's where I've seen pink hair before!" I say suddenly remembering.

"Anyway what's this clown doing in your house?" Gray asks, eyeing Natsu. "Well what are YOU doing in my house?" I shoot back. We glare at each other for a good 10 seconds before Gray pushes me off him.

"This is Natsu, he lives down the street from us with his siblings." I explain and Natsu waves. "Well I should get home. Thanks again for helping Wendy." He says before waving and walking out the door. I wave back and get up off the floor.

My face flushes, how embarrassing...I slap my cheeks and turn back to the boys.

 "So, want to explain why your hanging out at my place?" I question glaring at Sting, Gray, and Gajeel. Gajeel mumbles before dozing off again and Gray walks back to my fridge.

"Rouge please. I'll deal with the other 2." Rouge nods, grabs Sting and drags him out of the house. "Your turn." I say to Gray before handing him his shirt. "I'm crashing here. I promised Ul she could have the house to herself tonight." He responds. I sigh and roll my eyes before saying it's fine. 


2 hours later..

I'm getting out of the shower when I see my room door open. "What do you think your doing?" Gray turns to find me standing in the door way in my towel. He jumps up and tries to escape before I grab him by the hair.

"Ow ow ow! Jeez okay! I promised Sting I would get him your notes." "You could have asked." I say rolling my eyes before digging through my bag and pulling out a notebook. "Thanks so much Lu!" He jumps up running out of my room.

As I'm getting ready for bed I get a text from Lisanna on our girl's group chat. 


Lisanna: OMG! There's a new kid coming to school tomorrow!

Levy: Okay and?

Erza: Lisanna, you should be studying.

Lisanna: Well whatever. He supposed to be super cute! 

Lucy: Good for you. I'm headed to bed, night guys!

Levy: Goodnight Lu-Chan.

Erza: Goodnight.

Lisanna: You guys are so boring.....I'll just text Sting.


Thursday morning; homeroom...

"Class we have a new student today! Please welcome Natsu Dragneel." Our teacher says smiling. 

I look up to see none other than my pink haired neighbor in our school uniform. Gray and Gajeel both roll their eyes, Levy doesn't even glance up from her book, and Sting is  obviously texting Lisanna about the new kid. 

As he takes the seat next to me he whispers, "Hey Luce! Didn't know you go here" He grins as he looks at me. Wait...




Ok so this chapter was a tough one to write and it was definitely longer than necessary. Anyways if you liked it drop a follow. Also I'm straight trash at editing so if you see any mistakes pls lmk!Thanks! 🤗

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now