14 - It's time to decide!

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Nandhini's POV:

After he left the apartment, I stood like a statue not bothering about the time that I took to register his words. One thing I got from his words is, he regretted his decision of saying yes to marry me, from the bottom of his heart.


I don't want to disturb him anymore through my unwanted presence. I packed my bag quickly and checked the availability of a bus to Coimbatore. Wait! Furthermore, I can't go back to my parent's house at the midnight. Surely they will get scared for nothing and will make this issue bigger.

No! That's not right. What shall I do now? I sat down on the sofa, thinking about the alternative way. I called Madhu to ask where she is staying now.

She attended the call in the fifth ring and as usual inquired about my well-being in her cheerful voice. I answered her non-stop questions with equal enthusiasm otherwise she will find out the chaos that happened here.

Madhu: So, tell me now what made you call me at this hour of the night?

Nandhini: Nothing big Madhu. Kathir has gone out of the station, and it will take a few days for him to return. So I thought of staying with you in the meantime before your marriage.

Madhu: Really?

She squealed at the other end on hearing my reply and I smiled at her crazy affection for me.

Madhu: That's so cool, Nandhu. When are you coming here? Just tell me the time. I will take care of everything.

Nandhini: If you say yes, then I will board the bus instantly.

She laughed lightly and told me to message her once I reach Coimbatore. I decided to stay with Madhu for a few days and then get back to my parent's house without creating any suspicions.

Though I wanted to disappear from here without saying a word, my heart aches at the thought of hurting Kathir by leaving him like this. But sometimes, distance teaches us the best lesson than anything else.

I took a paper from the cupboard and wrote a message for him and kept it safely on the table placed before the sofa. After giving a glance at our home, I left the home after locking it properly. Since Kathir always carries a spare key, there won't be any problem in unlocking the home in my absence.

I reached the bus stand by a Cab and looked at my watch which displays the time as 12.15 am.

Ughhhhhh!!! It will take another 4 and half hours for me to reach Coimbatore. I walked into the bus that I have booked before and sat on my seat after keeping my bag inside the luggage holder. I swiped the screen of my mobile to see whether there is any message from Kathir or not. As expected, there is not a single text from him.

But wait! Where he went from home? Didn't he reach home by now? He hadn't even had his dinner properly. Then what he might be doing outside? Should I call him now?

My heart kept beating faster than usual by such random thoughts, but my mind wins over my heart this time by keeping my ego higher.

I convinced myself that he will be fine and happy, and then I kept my mobile inside my purse and tried to sleep though I knew it is far away from my reach.

Kathiravan's POV:

I was pacing on the beach for more than hours, but my mind is not at peace after my outburst. I know she loves me a lot, but how can she doubt my love like that?

How can she say that I don't care about her? Did she see how much I yearn for her touch? Did she know how much I crave her care?

If someone is poor at expressing his emotions, does it mean that the person never has any feelings inside his heart?

When did you say all those things to Nandhini, man? She is it also a human right? How can she know your heart when you have locked it tightly?

My conscience mocked me brutally, and I have no answers for that. The waves which comes one after the other depicts my love for my Nandhini. Yes, Of course, I knew I have hurt her so badly but that doesn't lessen my love for her, and she has no idea what I have for her in-store. She deserves to be pampered like a kid and I swear that I will do anything to keep her with me forever.

I may not be an expressive person but Nandhini doesn't know about my stubborn nature. If I want something to be mine, then I will get that by hook or crook, no matter what.

You are my precious doll, Nandhini. How can you be so foolish not to realize my love for you? Okay okay okay... Half of the fault is on my side also. I should have let you know this before.

So what, even now also we have time to understand each other. I won't let you get disappointed Nandhu.

I told all these verses to my heart where my queen resides and planned to go back to my home to mend my love.

I drove fast as there was no traffic on the road. When I reached my home, I twisted the knob of the door and found it locked.


She usually doesn't lock the door until I arrive home. Maybe my honey is angrier with me! I thought and unlocked the door with the spare key that I have in my wallet.

I tiptoed inside the home, being careful not making any noise because Nandhini would be sleeping peacefully after crying a lot. Therefore, I went straight to our room to find our bed empty. Panicking about her absence in our room, I quickly searched for her in the balcony, bathroom, other room, kitchen, etc. But she is nowhere to be found.

Fear engulfed my heart and I checked my mobile to see if she left any message about her whereabouts. But there is no message. Where she went all of a sudden?

When I was about to go out to search for her on the terrace, a letter on the table caught my eyes. I wished that letter should not be the one which I thought and slowly grabbed it to read what has been written in that.

It's enough Kathir. I am not supposed to do this, but I am forced to take this step. Though I know my absence will never bother you, I still expect you to love me and miss me as I do.
But not all our dreams will turn true, Right?

Take care Kathir. Enjoy your life like you want to.

Nandhini Kathiravan.

The letter reads and Kathir broke down completely losing his balance and collapsing on the floor beside his bed. “So you left me... for my words which I never meant.” He is lost in his world of thoughts and finally said, “You are definitely going to pay for this Mrs Nandhini Kathiravan.

He rubbed his tears by the back of his palm and stood up from his place with his eyes filled with rage.


So how was this chappy, my fellows?

What do you think about Nandhini's decision of leaving Kathir?

How many of you support Nandhini? How many of you support Kathir?

Do leave your comments and thoughts about this chapter and see you soon in the next update🥰

Until then take care and bye,

Your loving writer,

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