35 - Days without You😞!

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Kathiravan’s PoV:

It has been more than 2 weeks since she left for Coimbatore and the last 14 days of life were not so good without her. Okay, I should not lie now. Yes, it felt horrible. I mostly confined my meals to two items - Bread and Oats. Whenever I ate oats, I could remember how my Nandhini made a face, as she never liked the health-diet combo. She hates cornflakes, oats, porridge, wheat bread, etc., and always prefers to have something tasty.

For her taste comes first unlike me and I am more into fitness and health unlike her. At whatever time I coerced her to have something healthy, she used to counterstroke saying “If this is what going to give me additional 15 days of life, then I don’t ever want to avail that. Let me be living my life happily without those 15 days.

 I know for sure that Nandhini is expecting me to call her or message her and say that I miss her badly. But being a stubborn cat, it is not so easy for me to let my guard down and kneel down like that. Though missing her is an undeniable truth, I am not yet ready to admit that.

My friends know that Nandhini is not here with me and she is off to Coimbatore for some reason. I just let them be with that piece of information, as I do not want them to contemplate and advise us on where we went wrong. Somewhere my heart feels that this distance is the best faculty who could make us understand what we are to each other. As time goes by, we will definitely sort out the serious ruction of ours and God only knows when the timer will reach its end to declare the results of our disagreement.

Hoping for a fruitful and happy outcome to arrive as a relief to our grief!

I cannot even think of going outside my residential area as the Government continues to impose lockdowns and curfews to control the spread of the deadly Corona Virus. When I was single, I had many trips exploring the city. Now, even being married to a cute woman, I am left to suffer within four walls instead of enjoying couple rides.

Thinking of my ill fate, I walked around the green lawn of our apartments until my legs started to feel the pain. Having nothing much to feel and enjoy, I unlocked my phone to see the messages sent by my mom. I get to know all the movements of my wife through my mom and she is thoroughly enjoying pampering her only DIL. She informed me that Nandhini feels extremely tough to wake up in the morning though they are not compelling her to wake up with them, which is before sunrise usually.

Yeah, I know that I am married to a panda who loves to sleep and eat all the time. My parents and I have the habit of waking up early, as we cannot sleep when the feeble rays of the sun peek into the room. However, my wife can sleep even in the middle of the day and in between the hurricane also. She will just dwell in her world of sleep once she closes her eyes and nothing can get her out of it unless she decides so. I remember how she used to keep multiple snoozes of her alarm to get up in the morning.

I chuckled while imagining her half-sleeping face and her repeated yawning and made my way to our sweet home that has now become sour without its queen.

Nandhini’s PoV:

I woke up to the sound of a knock on my door and quickly adjusted my attire to get up and see who it was. Though I have not locked the door of our room, my in-laws always knock on the door and get my permission to come in, even for giving me tea or some snacks. When I opened the door, my MIL stood there with a tray in her hand. She gave a quick glance at me and asked, “Are you feeling tired, Nandhu?” I nodded and said, “Nothing much, ma. As I was reading some boring concept, I zoned out gradually.” She smiled and replied, “That’s common, dear. Come with me. Let us go downstairs and relax a bit. You should take breaks in between so that your eyes will not feel any strain.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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