11 - Will love win over the ego?

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Kathir's Pov:

"I am sorry Kathir. I am not a kid or a puppet to listen to everything that you say. I have a brain on my own and luckily I finished my graduation also, which means I clearly know what I am doing. I didn't complain anything to you nor ask you to support me in this. If you disagree with me in this matter, then better don't advise me regarding this anymore. I am already done with the behaviour of the colonel and his wife. So please, you too don't start again now." 

These words from Nandhini keep ringing in my ears as I couldn't keep my sanity anymore. I just want to lash out my anger but her eyes and her sad face flashed in my mind which stopped me from pouring out my rage. I straight away went to the restroom and had a warm shower to ease my anger. 

How can she talk to me like that? Can she understand that I am telling all those for our own good? 

I know Colonel family for a quite long time but never had a bitter conversation with me. But today, the Colonel and his wife almost broke down in tears due to their daughter's blunder and in addition to that, they were very much displeased by Nandhini's behaviour. I want everyone to respect her and love her as they do for me. But, here she is not even ready to hear me out for once and she casually locked herself in our room as if it doesn't bother her in any way. Let her be like this. This time, I am not going to plead with her to speak with me.

I am not in a mood to have my dinner as I lost my appetite in all the emotional turmoil that I am facing now. I slowly peeked into our room which was pitch dark with no lights. I too don't care to turn on the lights and headed towards the bed where she is lying already turning to the opposite. There is no movement in her body which I guess she was fast asleep. I lied down on my back and keep my palms under my head, staring at nothing.

Nandhini's Pov:

Aahhhhh! What have you done Nandhini? You just unleashed your temper on Kathir. What he would have thought about your behaviour? I scolded myself looking at my reflection in the mirror. The shocking expression on Kathir's face is making me squirm in guilt as I am damn sure that he didn't expect this kind of reaction from my side. Good! You perfectly ruined your budding romance now. Happy now? I asked myself again but nothing calmed my heart which is crying for lashing out at my Kathir.

Okay, I will understand that I was piqued by his curtness but I should not have lost my temper there which made the situation even worse. Oh, God! Please help me now. With a low face, I sat down on my back with my back facing Kathir's side as I know that I can't meet his eyes, at least not now. When I feel Kathir's presence at my back, I longed to hear his words. But the dead, silence is haunting the entire room, making it more awkward than before. I slowly turned my head and found him staring at the ceiling with some deep thoughts inside his mind. 

Should I make the first move here? What if he barks at me now for my previous actions? Multiple thoughts invaded my mind and the debate between my heart and mind went wild with each passing second. Finally, my heart won since it always loves and adores Kathir no matter what. Yes! I must apologize for my assail on him.

I turned around fully and saw my Kathir who is still busy admiring the good-for-nothing ceiling. "Kathir" I whispered in low voice and it is quite audible in the silent room. He didn't even hum in response rather keep looking straight at the ceiling. I moved a bit towards him and placed my hand on his forearm which is hard as a rock. "Kathir, please look at me. I am sorry." I repeated again and this time he tilted his head to glance at my flushed face.

"Kathir, I am sorry for hitting you with my words. I was not supposed to..." before I could complete my words, he pulled me into a tight hug and he snuggled closer to my neck, nuzzling the hair. I felt numb and all the tickling sensations arose in my body making me weaker under his touch. I felt wetness on my neck and I slowly pushed myself back to look at his face. What the heck! his eyes are wet and glistening with tears. Is he crying or what?

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