21 - Back to Normal!

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Kathiravan's POV:

After a long gap, I felt peace and serene since all the mishaps between Nandhini and I had disappeared like a cloud. Her parents are sweet like her and her brother is a genuine person who respects me a lot. Tomorrow, we planned to meet my parents and stay there for a day, after which we will start to Cochin.

When I was having my evening coffee, Nandhini's dad told us about the lock-down procedures inflicted by the Government to control the widespread of the virus among the people. What the heck!!

I watched the news channels which were busy reporting the guidelines as severe lock-down is going to be followed from the day after tomorrow. I knew that Nandhini will be happy to stay with her parents for some more time but in my case, I don't feel pleased staying long at my in-laws' house. I am not a stereotype personality but it's just my character of solitude that stops me from getting comfortable easily. So I signalled to Nandhini to have a private talk and she walked back to her room, understanding my silence.

Once I got into her room, I left out a heavy sigh and said, "It's confirmed that lock-down is going to be implemented from day-after-tomorrow. So I guess I should start now to Cochin." She listened to me keenly and said "Hello, then what about me? Am I not your wife?" she raised her eyebrow and I asked her, "What do you mean?"

She retorted with the same pace, "Even I am asking the same question, Kathir. What do you mean by going back to Cochin? Don't say that you plan to travel alone without me." I was taken back by her words for a minute. Did she mean that she wants to come back with me?

"Do you want to join me? Don't you want to spend some more days here with your parents?" I asked her in my low voice, being careful that she can blast at any time. She threw her glare at me and replied, "I have spent enough days with my parents, Kathir. Now I want to go home. If you have any problem with that, then I can very well book my tickets separately." her voice showed her determination and it just lit my heart on joy.

"Okay okay, Cool. I was just surprised, Nandhu. Wait, I will book the tickets for us." I told her and started to book the tickets to Cochin whereas she started to pack our things with a broad smile. "Nandhu, inform your parents that we are departing to the airport after having lunch here. And get ready soon." With that, I leave the room after she nodded her head as yes. I took a quick shower and went to buy some sweets and clothes to gift my in-laws.

After having a light lunch, I stood up and gave the box to my in-laws and they got it after hard compulsion. Nandhini's dad spoke, "Why are you gifting us all those things, Kathir? Your presence itself a gift for us." Her mom nodded at her husband's words and Nandhini smiled sweetly showing her delightful heart.

"It's not a formality uncle. I should have brought Nandhini here right after our marriage but then situations weren't better. You people showered me with your love and respect all these days and honestly, I don't know how to return your love. I would be very happy if you accept this as a small token of my love towards you." I muttered and they blessed me by placing their hands on my head.

When I and Nandhini were about to step out, I invited them, "Please come to our home whenever you find free time. Nandhini will be happy if you guys visit her often and I will be happy if you stay there at least for few days." Nandhini was quite surprised and she blinked her eyes hastily, registering what I told now and averted my gaze from her cute face. Her brother told, "Sure Kathir. We will come and you both please take care." I gave him a soft nod and with that, we headed towards the airport where we had our flight to Cochin.

It's been quite a long gap since we came to Coimbatore and it feels so good to have my days back to routine. Nandhini dozed off once the flight took off and I looked into the messages that I got from my friends and colleagues.

Soon after that, we reached our apartment and Nandhini was happier than me to get back to our little home. She looked fresh since she took a nap while on the journey, and here I felt too tired to change my dress. Still, I took a shower and changed into a comfortable t-shirt with shorts and opened my office mail to know the updates.

Luckily, they instructed us to work from home and it made me sigh with relief. I can wake up late, I can take short naps in between the office time, I can eat whenever I feel so, I can wear casual wears every day, etc etc etc... So many numbers of things started to play inside my small mind and I blew a whistle aloud expressing my state of excitement.

Nandhini came rushing into our room, probably because of the whistle I did before 😂. "What happened?" She asked me with concern and I squealed, "I got to work from home, Nandhu. Can't have words to say how happy I feel now." I whistled again and she closed her ears with her hands while her face blossomed like a flower.

"That's great. But please low your voice Kathir. You might wake up our neighbours." She said in between her feeble laugh and I shook my head as no and declared, "Who cares, Nandhu. I don't get a chance like this on regular basis. So I can't confine my joy as you say." I said and started to shriek again for which she came and knocked lightly on my shoulder. The night was full of fun as we cleaned the dust and talked a lot about how we are going to spend the quarantine days.

She was smiling the whole time and her eyes glistened whenever she came up with a new idea. The rigid and senseless house once again turned into our sweet little home as my queen knows how to make it more lively as well as lovely🥰.


Hope you love this chapter too!!

Take care and stay safe... Please be cautious that your little negligence would cost a life!

Yours lovely,

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