9 - First sorry!

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Nandhini's Pov:

I woke up with a strong headache in the morning but that is my least concern now. I heard the sounds of utensils which clearly says that Kathir is in the kitchen. The very thought of Kathir itself brought the flash of yesterday's events and my vision automatically began to blur. I quickly wiped my tears out and got up from the bed to take a warm bath.
I dried my hair and applied sindoor on the partition of my hair and straightly headed towards the hall without even giving a glance to the kitchen. I know that he will do something to make it up for yesterday's commotion but seriously I am not in a position to hear any apologies from him. It still hurts me a lot and above that, the disappointment weights my heart to the core.
I sat on the sofa while taking the newspaper from the table and started to read the headlines.

I can feel Kathir coming out of the kitchen but still, I don't dare to avert my eyes from the newspaper, as I know well that he will speak something now.

"Nandhu, don't you have your morning coffee?" Kathir asked me with his most gentle voice and that's when I looked up to meet his concerning eyes.

Kathir's Pov:

When I asked her about not having her morning coffee, she looked at me in a way that I am an alien. Did I say anything wrong here? No! I don't feel so. I raised my right eyebrow in question and she said, "I don't have coffee in the morning. Usually, I drink tea and I opt for coffee only when I feel to have one." With that, she gave a 'are you even for real' look which makes me more embarrassed in front of her.

"Sorry Nandhu, I really didn't notice these things before," I told her and she just smiled at me while shaking her head and told me, "Never mind Kathir. I know that you never paid any attention towards me. And I am learning to get habituated to this one. So, you please don't worry." she stood up and went to the kitchen to make her morning tea. Her smile and expressions show that she is all fine but her voice is saying otherwise. I can grasp her worries through her voice and trust me, it is breaking me into millions. I sighed and got ready to finish my task of mending my broken wife.

I learned one thing from this fight. Nandhini is extremely sensitive and she is really hard to crack. I have to bend this iron bow so that I can shot my love arrow perfectly into her heart. With this in my mind, I went out of the house.

Nandhini's Pov:

I never want to show my anger on Kathir but his lethargic attitude is triggering me a lot.

How can he be so heedless when it comes to love? Does he remember that we are newly married people?

I let out my frustration and decided to make food for us. As today is Sunday, I know he will be here for lunch and I don't want to disappoint him by pouring my anger into food. I decided to make Mushroom briyani with onion raita as it is one of his favourite food. As usual, he went out even without bidding bye to me. Seriously I doubt that he has ever seen a cinema or not. I don't know when I am going to bite him for his sluggish manners.

Aaahhhhh!! Leave from my mind for a few minutes Kathir. I have to prepare for lunch.

When I was almost ready with the dish, I heard his footsteps at the main door. I gave a glance to him for which he returned a huge smile. I turned my gaze immediately since I know that I will definitely fall for his charismatic smile. I placed the dish in the appropriate bowls and decorated our plate as if it is our first date.

Good Job Nandhu!!! I praised myself for my work and went to the hall to call him for having lunch. When I didn't find him in the hall, I went to our room and it was also empty. Where he has gone all of a sudden!

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