16 - The first step towards the change!

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Kathiravan's POV:

Since Nandhini is not here, Kishore and Rithika come here often to check up on me. Eventually, Revathi too got to know about our separation and she too joined our band. After the completion of college, we got no time to meet each other often and we can't even complain about that. Though I am not alone in my home as someone is always here to accompany me, I still feel the vacuum in both my heart and home.

I messaged her the other day and got a reply in a single word. That itself enough for me to decipher how angry and upset she is. But at last, I am happy about one thing, that she is safe and comfortable at her friend's place. Later I saw her WhatsApp status showing her state of shopping with her friend at some shopping mall. I badly wanted to hug her after seeing her photo but she was far away to catch my hand.

One thing that I came to know later is, her friend's wedding is going to happen in the next three days and it is the best chance to convince my angry queen. I already applied for leave and it also came as granted as I hadn't taken any leave before.

I told my plan to Kishore and Revathy and they both bottled me up with romantic ideas to woo my baby. But I think it's not going to work out because only I know how hard she is to crack especially when she is in danger.

Now I am waiting for the day to go there so that I can have a glimpse of my bubbly Nandhini at least for a few hours. Be ready to fall for me Mrs Nandhini Kathiravan... I am coming there to take my revenge 😜.

Nandhini's POV:

Last week was full of shopping and fun which distracted my sorrowful mind a bit. When he asked me how I was and where I was, I thought not to reply by my stupid heart did the opposite. I replied to him instantly by keeping off all my anger and ego. Ughhhh why are you falling for him this much easily idiot? I scolded my heart in a bad way but this stupid is not even listening to whom it belongs to.

No, I am always listening to Kathir because he is the one to whom I belong to!!!

My heart corrected me and at last, I gave up as I know it won't stop loving him or thinking about him even though he is miles apart. But this time, I have decided one thing strongly. He must try harder to get me back to him though it is hell for me to hold my poor heart for a long time. Funny, right?

Finally, the day of Madhu's engagement arrived and here we all are getting ready to hit the venue. I got myself ready with a soft yellow silk saree and flowered my braid perfectly to match the attire. Madhu got ready in her dark purple lehenga and I must admit that no one can take their eyes off from her face as she just nailed it with her beauty. I felt so happy seeing her engagement glow because she is one of the pure soul I have come across in my life.

 I felt so happy seeing her engagement glow because she is one of the pure soul I have come across in my life

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Nandhini's attire 👆

When we both entered the venue, everyone from the groom's family gave a warm smile to us and they welcomed us with utmost respect and love. Her groom also got ready in the matching colour sherwani and he looked great with Madhu by his side.

Then they exchanged their rings and everyone applauded and some people blow whistles, cheering the couple. I was smiling widely till I saw my parents at the audience corner.

Oh my God! How can I forget that they too will attend her engagement ceremony! I kept my hand on my forehead, cursing myself for my careless attitude. Surely they might have seen me, coming along with Madhu. What if they ask about Kathir? They will just chop my head with their advice and scolding.

I left a sigh and started to walk towards them because it is better to confront them before rather being caught by them later. "Hello ma, how are you all? I am sorry that I couldn't inform you guys about my arrival" I greeted them with a small smile and my mom said, "We know that beta. Kathir informed us that you were coming here a day before to help Madhu with her shopping. In fact, he felt sorry for not accompanying you as he was stuck with his work." She looked at my father, who is giving a proud look at his son in law.

I smiled and my heart felt a huge relief that Kathir had managed the situation perfectly without leaving any doubt about our fight. I guided them to the dining and they shared some news that happened in my absence. I was least interested in hearing those things because poking our nose in someone's business is the last task that I want to do.

When the ceremony got over, I headed to the room of Madhu, as I couldn't spend time with her. I knocked on the door and she told me to come in. When I entered the room, the first thing that she asked was "Where is your husband, Nandhu? You told me that he will come today, Nah?"

I keep silent and looked elsewhere to make up the answer to her question. Then after a minute, I broke the silence and told her, "Errr... Sorry, Madhu. He called me this morning and informed me that he couldn't attend the function as promised. But he will surely come to the wedding." I said with a smile and she passed me a teasing look "I know this already. I just pranked on you, Nandhu." She giggled and this surprised me now.

How can she know that I lie? I creased my eyebrows in question and she explained, "Actually I take up the number of your husband from your parents when I went there to give my wedding invitation. Because you will fill me with excuses saying that no need for formalities by inviting him separately, bla bla bla and all. So I took the number from your parents and called him two days before. As you said, he is such a gentleman Nandhu. He spoke very politely and enquired whether you are comfortable here, whether you had your meals on time and whatnot. When I sent my invitation through WhatsApp chat, he told me that he wouldn't be able to attend my engagement and even asked me to take care of you in his absence. You know what Nandhu, he just looks after you like a small baby and I must say that you are damn lucky to have him as your better half." She moved her hands in the air and I gave a tight smile to her statement.

To be honest, Kathir proved his maturity here. If he bluntly told my parents or Madhu about me who left him uninformed, then it would have made them judge me or us (Myself and Kathir) unnecessarily. He tackled the situation perfectly and saved me from being shot with tons of questions.

I wanted to ask Madhu when he will be coming here to attend the wedding but I decided to zip my mouth for a while as it would break the glass that Kathir has built for making people believe that we two are a lovey-dovey couple. I opened my mobile gallery and looked at the picture that we took at our dining area and his face is enough to lit my heart up with happiness. I caressed the screen and felt bad for leaving him like that.

Please come soon and take me back, Kathir. I can't spend more days without you.

I told to myself and arranged the bed to sleep as we have lots of work to do tomorrow for Madhu's haldi function.


So, How was this chappy buddies?

Hope you guys are a bit satisfied with Kathir now for his behaviour change 😂.

Do drop your comments and feedback and keep waiting for their reunion which might happen in the next one or two chapters.

At last, keep in mind that not everyone will come with the qualities of prince-charming but it is their efforts that make them the one❤️.

Have a lovely day and see you soon in the next update.

Tata and take care 🤗

Your lovely writer,
Maaya 🤍.

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