23 - What am I to you?

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Nandhini's POV:

After Rithika left with her husband, I diverted my mind in cooking the dinner so that my burning possessiveness would get some rest. I do agree that Kathir is not someone to doubt but the importance that he gives to Revathy is not bearable for my poor heart. He got some work in the evening which made him indulged in his laptop for a long time. I called him to have dinner with me and with the smile plastering on his lips, I can say undoubtedly that he is happy to have spent some quality time with his friends.

"Today we had a great time, right?" He initiated the conversation and I smiled happily remembering the good moments that we shared before. "It could have been more memorable if Reh had been here with us." My smile dropped on hearing this.

I came to know that Reh is the pet of Revathy given by my so-called husband. "How did you two become friends?" Words slipped out of my mouth even before I thought to control. Kathir passed a look on my face and began to say, "Reh is the first friend of mine when I entered the college. She broke the insecurities and provided me with a homely atmosphere Nandhu. She is too smart and caring. I and Kishore never had the feeling of home-sick as she always filled the gap with her charming nature."

He sang her praises and I have no patience to listen to that. I quickly finished my dinner and left the table to put the plates in the kitchen sink so that I can have some peace on my own.

He never appreciated anyone like this before. Leave others. He didn't even acknowledge the efforts that I poured for him.

My inner heart added salt to my wound and it fuelled more aggression inside my mind. But I can't go and ask him simply, 'Why don't you appreciate my presence like you did for her?'

C'mon who else will do that and that too with the love of their life?

I must gain his attention at any cost. He should talk about me like this. With so much pride in his eyes and with a full of smile on his lips. As a wife, I must be the one who should rule his heart with all my love. I won't let anyone stand a chance in the matters of my husband.

Deep inside, I know that I am overthinking about the situation but my possessiveness over Kathir took over my doubts and now my full focus stays on the point 'How to make my husband fall for me?'

Kathir came to bed and he was busy with his mobile all the time. I saw the time striking 9.30 pm and this was too early for me to hit the bed. So I decided to call my Mother-in-law who would be very much happy to talk with me.

Why can't Kathir feel excited to talk with me or to have a glimpse of me? Am I not that much attractive to him?

Stop zoning out and call your MIL. I scoffed mentally and called her who picked up the call on the 5th ring. "Nandhu, is everything okay there? Is there any problem that led you to call us around this time?" This is the first thing that she spoke in the call and panic is clearly visible in her voice. How sweet she is!!

I enquired about her health and we spoke about a lot of things - right from our kitchen to national politics. To be frank, I feel more comfortable while talking to her than my very own mother. "When are you coming here, ma? I have been inviting you the nth number of times. But you are always feeding me some excuses." I asked her at last and she laughed at my question. "It would be so funny if I say this Nandhu. But this is the truth. I cannot leave my husband here and he cannot leave his business here. So we'll visit you soon but I can't assure you the dates." 

"Ma, you are trying to say that you won't visit us until uncle gets to rest, right?" I pouted and she said, "Not like that. I will be there in the next instant if you give me some good news regarding my grandchild." I let out a cough on hearing her chuckles at the end. Grandchild?

I am sure that she is smirking there, leaving me to blush here.
Like a mother, like a son.
I cut the call after some time and found Kathir staring at me without blinking his eyes.
Did he hear anything?
I averted my gaze and placed my mobile on the bed rest and laid down beside him silently.

He turned around and asked, "So, what were you guys spoke that made you smile so widely?" I reminisced the talks that I had before and a small blush crept over my cheeks. "Are you eavesdropping on our conversation, Kathir? That's too bad." I told him hiding my red cheeks and he chuckled before saying, "I am not. You were loud enough for me to hear everything that you spoke with my mom."

Oh My God! Which means he heard everything that his mom told?

I mentally slapped myself for being louder and maintained a straight face. "We have so much to talk and those are not out for discussion" I uttered while biting my tongue thinking of his reaction and he frowned at my response. "Fine. I will deal with this later," he said and began to cover the duvet properly to sleep. 

I expected him to compel me until I say but here he cut off the conversation and went to sleep. How cruel! I turned to find him setting an alarm on his mobile and I asked him, "Why are you keeping an alarm? Don't you have a 'work from home' schedule?" 

"I should go and pick up Revathy, tomorrow. So I have to get up early." his reply made me burn and I twisted my lips in annoyance. "Is she going to stay here?" I asked him with a straight face and he muttered, "Not exactly. She will be staying in Kishore's home but she says that she will stay here too for a few days. She is coming here to sign some project, I guess. Only we forced her to stay back here for some more days."

Can the days get more horrible than this!

I am wishing to spend some time with my husband alone and here an intruder is ready to collapse my plans. Just wow!! 
I can see the excitement in his eyes as finally, he got a chance to be with his friends, but then I am not a saint who will smile and bless everyone even at the hardest time🤒.
It will be fine for me till he pays equal or I must say more attention to me. Otherwise, I am not sure how my inner self is going to react to that🤷‍♀️.

"What's her native place? Does she have any home in Cochin?" My curiosity has no patience which came out as consecutive questions. "Reh is also from Coimbatore, Nandhu. But she doesn't live there as she is working in Bangalore. She visits Cochin only for us and we don't allow her to take rooms outside. Though Kishore and Reh are Tom and Jerry, he never let her stay outside." he answered while placing his mobile in the nightstand and said, "She will probably settle down in Cochin soon. Kishore has found a perfect job for her with high pay. So Reh will be here with us like our college days."

I let out a breath and said nothing. I was fidgeting my fingers as my heart felt a wave of disappointment and Kathir has fallen asleep after muttering his good night.

Already I feel like I am invisible to his eyes at times and now with his best buddies by his side, I will become more foreign to him. I cursed my fate under my breath and waited for my slumber to embrace me which was too stubborn to listen to my concerns just like my husband.


What do you think of Reh? Will she become a hindrance to Nandhir?

Poor Nandhu has no choice other than to bear this!!!🤪🤪

Take care and stay safe !!

Yours Lovely,


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