20 - Let's make it!

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Nandhini's POV:

When I woke up in the morning I found Kathir speaking to someone over the phone and his face expressed the clear tension that he carried with him. I silently moved out of the room and got freshen up in the next room, giving space to my husband to deal with the problem.

I returned to my room with one cup of coffee along with my tea and he passed on his signature smile to me. I gave him the cup and he murmured a thank you in return. "Is there any problem?" I started first and he looked above and nodded, "Nothing much. Just some office tension."

But his voice conveyed the seriousness. "Kathir, it's okay if you want to go back to Cochin." I said in a low voice and he chuckled, "No need Nandhini. Actually, I thought of taking you out today. Will you be okay with that?" He asked me and I simply answered him with a smile.

"Then get ready so that we can leave by 11 am." He got up from the bed and went towards the door. Before stepping out of the room, he turned around and said, "I will be downstairs talking with mom and dad. And wear something comfortable, okay?"

I don't know why he asked me to wear something comfortable but I didn't ask him why. I replied "Okay" and with that, he closed the door and went down to meet my parents. I took a quick shower and wore plain knee-length Pista Kurti and black denim jeggings and paired the attire with a multicolour scarf. As usual, I applied kajal to my eyes and baby pink lip gloss over my lips.

I checked myself in the mirror and it looks good on me. I stepped out and heard the giggling of my parents and Kathir. When he spotted me reaching down, he stood and waved at my parents who were reciprocating his actions. My mom whispered, "Careful Nandhini" to which I nodded lightly.

Kathir got the keys to my brother's bike and he rode the bike at a minimal speed, more like a gentleman. "Don't you drive speed in the bike?" I raised a question while adjusting my scarf properly.
He took a turn and said, "I used to drive speedily but not after our marriage." His answer brought a smile to my face and I chose to stay silent during the remaining ride. After an hour, we reached a place that looks like a little mountain with trees and bushes covered in full. Kathir directed me to get down from the bike and after that, he parked it near a tree. "Where are we?" I asked him while inspecting the place around me and he tugged my hand and said, "You will get to know that soon."

After about a walk for fifteen minutes, we reached a hut where a lady was selling some eatables like watermelons, cucumbers, raw mangoes, guava fruits, etc. Only then I realised that he brought me to a famous spot which is the best option to beat summer. He bought few items and held his hand out for me to walk steadily since the place was full of pebbles and stones, making it difficult to walk.

When we arrived at a particular spot, Kathir motioned me to sit down with my legs hanging down from the rock, feeling the cool breeze of the place. "How did you know this place?" I asked him in surprise as many local people weren't aware of this place. He took a bite of raw mango and chewed it slowly while enjoying the view from the top. "When I was here during my college time, we used to come here whenever we feel like. But after graduation, time doesn't permit us to feel this bliss." He answered not averting his gaze and I can realise how much he misses his college life as well as his friends.

"It's surprising that you are feeling emotional for such things." I blurted out and he gave a small smile before he continued, "I know that I am not an expressive one, Nandhini. But that doesn't mean that I can't feel things. You know what, I never felt like being deprived of something in my life. I had a good education, amazing parents, great friends, well to do lifestyle and whatnot. So I never felt that I had to showcase my feelings to get something done. But when you entered my life, I got to know how it felt to be loved by someone and most importantly how arduous to love someone with your whole heart.

Honestly, I am learning to express my unvoiced feelings only for you. It may look weird but trust me, it is the hardest subject for me till now. I am super cautious to pass this course at least with border marks." He chuckled at the end and I saw him in awe after hearing his efforts to change.

"Nandhini, do you think that I am perfect for you?" He asked me all of a sudden after leaving a wave of silence. I was stunned at his sudden encounter and asked him, "Why did you raise this question in the first place?" He shook his head and mumbled, "Just answer me Nandhu. Do you think I am perfect for you?"

I left a huge sigh and started to say, "Of course yes! After leaving you alone in Cochin, I doubted myself so many times 'did I make the right decision?' I very well know that I am an adamant person but my heart always got scared that what if you also remain adamant about the issue. But to my surprise, you came here and warmed my heart with your sweet gestures though it was not your cup of tea. I truly admire your efforts Kathir. I never dreamt of you as taking so many stunts for me especially but you failed my imaginations and proved yourself as the best husband.

I don't know whether it is the right time to say this. But I just want to tell you this right now. I love you Kathir." I poured my heart out and he looked at me with amusement dancing in his eyes. He squeezed my hand in response and I asked him, "Can't you say that again to me?"

I seriously expected him to say that back to me but he just pressed my palm in return. Too bad, right?

Kathiravan's POV:

When she spelt those magical words, my whole world stopped for a second and my heart reached its peak in joy. This is the second time that she was saying those words to me. My tongue got stuck with my jaw and words failed to express the emotion that I am feeling now.

When she asked me why didn't I revert the words to her, I was not able to say that I want to kiss her rather than expressing it through my words. First one, I can't voice out everything that I think in my mind. The second one, I can't say that in this place since we are surrounded by people. So I decided to divert this topic and replied, "I will say that in a special moment."

Thank God! She accepted that and didn't bombard me with further questions. After our cute moments, she took a lot of selfies there, whereas I had been watching her gestures and occasionally clicking her candid photos though it was not 😂😝.

Enjoying and capturing some quality time, we drove to a restaurant where we had a good lunch. When we were returning to her home, she told me, "Kathir, you don't need to change yourself for me. Just be yourself and I learn to love your real self." Her smile is evident in her words but I want to know the reason behind her change. So I implored, "Why are you saying so? Don't you feel happy about my behaviour transition?"

She held my shoulders in a firm grip and said, "Not like that Kathir. I am the happiest person to see the shift in your character. But at the same time, I feel bad for forcing you to change." Her voice is low and I interrupted by saying, "No no, Nandhu. It's nothing tough for me to change. I am happy..."
Before I could complete my sentence, she stopped me and announced, "Wait, let me tell in full first. Just think about what would I have done if you had asked me to change my character or attitude. I should not take your kindness for granted and it won't be called love if it comes with a pre-requisite condition. Being yourself is more important than being loved by someone in life. So I want my husband to stay happy while being himself without any restrictions." She let out a giggle at the last and I shook my head while smiling at her intellectual reasonings😅.

"Do you get my point?" She asked like a teacher who tutors a kid and I obliged, "As you say, my dear princess"

With that, we decided to call it a day as we both determined to love each other without altering the other one's character according to our comfort.


Keep guessing about what will happen next😜🤪

Stay safe and take care!

Yours lovely,

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