27 - Tantrums!!!

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Nandhini's POV:

After Kathir made me covered with flour, we had a great chasing game in which we turned white in flour and the whole house became a mess along with us. I decided to take a warm shower to wash off the flour from my body and I realised that I got my periods. Oh God!!! I grunted and changed into comfortable clothing before stepping out of the room.

Fortunately, my period's cramps are low and I dried my hair which was dripping from the shower. I took my seat and slowly started preparing the rolls for Chappathi which we planned earlier. Meanwhile, Kathir came out after having a good bath and he was occupied by his office call. When he returned after hanging the call, I placed our plates on the dining table to have our breakfast.

He looked amused and passed me a proud smile. I reciprocated his smile and served him while filling my plate along with. Somewhat my mood turned gloomy but I chose to ignore that, at least before my husband. He was munching the Chappathi but didn't utter a word about it. I sighed and asked him, "How's the breakfast? Do you like it?" He tilted his head and looked at me, "Hmmm... Good."

Ehhm - is this what I get for preparing the food amidst my periods? I thought to myself and it infuriated my heart greatly. I huffed and ate my food in silence, and sprinted to our room immediately, after finishing my plate. Besides him, my period's cramps are not helping me either since I started to feel pain in my abdominal region gradually. I clutched my pillow tightly, wishing for this pain to disappear quickly as much as possible. But no! The pain is increasing and wet tears found their way down through my cheeks.

I got up from the bed and went to my cupboard to have my regular pill which I use whenever I feel menstruation distress. I gulped down the tablet but seems like nothing is going to ease my pain faster. I laid down on the bed flatly on my back and closed my eyes while watching my breaths. I have read somewhere that closing our eyes and watching our breaths will make our minds relax and ease the pain of the body.

My thoughts were hindered by Kathir when he shook my shoulder to wake me up. "Hey, what happened?" He asked and made me sit with my back resting on the bedpost. "Are you okay? Why are sleeping at this time?" His voice showed his real concern but that didn't seem appealing to me right now. I shrugged and said, "No one will ask this question by waking up a person who is having a peaceful sleep."

He looked baffled at my tone and asked, "Do you have any headache or what?" And I replied, "What if I have? Do you really care about that? I don't think so. Now please leave and do your work, Kathir. Let me rest for some time." My voice is cold enough to break his heart and I laid down without waiting for his answers. "I don't know what happened all of a sudden. You were all happy before some time and now you act like I am your war enemy. This is not fair Nandhini." I let out a sigh but didn't say a word in return. He continued, "Fine, you take a rest. I will prepare lunch for us."

"No need. I will make lunch and you can continue your office works." I said in a straight tone which was a bit rude and harsh. "You need not strain yourself if you are not feeling well, Nandhu." He told me in his calm tone while patting my shoulder and I turned towards him, "As if you care about my strains and efforts!" I chuckled at the end and he made a perplexed face full of emotions.

"Nandhini, I can clearly see that you were hurt by something. So just spill it out without beating around the bush." He murmured and I got from the bed which folding my hands at my belly. "Why are you asking me, Kathir? You have so many works right? That's why you were so engrossed in your official calls which made you forget your promise. Now you learnt what resulted in my behaviour. You can do your business."

He didn't say anything but continued to stare at my face as if he is seeing me for the first time. I glanced at his face and averted my eyes to another side. "You are indeed a kid, Nandhu." He chuckled and I retorted, "I am not a kid."

"Yes, you are. Otherwise, you wouldn't talk like this. First of all, I didn't forget my promise. I knew that you wanted me to appreciate your cooking. But I did that purposefully to tease you and to see your pinky nose that flares in anger." He stopped and let out a small laugh before saying, "If I had forgotten my promise, then I wouldn't have been sitting here to ask my wife why she is acting cloudy. You don't even understand this simple thing and here you are claiming yourself as an adult. What a pity!" He poked my temple playfully and tears started to roll down my cheeks without control.

He saw my tears and panicked, "Hey, why are you crying Nandhu? Okay okay, I am sorry for my actions. Now please don't cry." He stretched his hand and cupped my cheeks lovingly which pumped more tears in my eyes. Bloody hormones😣!!!

"I am not weeping for your behaviour. It's my fault that I misunderstood everything and behaved harshly with you. I am not a good wife to you, Kathir." I started sobbing in his hands and he caressed my head while saying sweet words to console me. "It's okay, baby. Now please don't cry for this silly thing. I can't handle your tears more. Please." He pleaded and I sniffed slowly while suppressing my sobs.

I feel better lying in his arms and he continued to caress my head and ran his slender fingers through my hair softly. "I am sorry, Kathir. I am on my period. That's why I yelled at you before. I am sorry." I apologized for my rude ways and he blinked as if trying to register what I said now. "Ohh... Okay okay. So this is the reason for your sudden mood change, right? I got it."

He said and pulled me towards him more and whispered, "You could have told me this before. I wouldn't have woke you up from your sleep." I smiled at his caring words and mumbled, "That's alright. I was suffering from menstrual cramps then and I feel better now." He smiled gently and inquired whether I take any drug for that. When I nodded in approval, his face was not so happy but he remained silent, not forgetting to caress my head till I fell into a deep slumber.

When I woke up, he made me eat fruit salad with pomegranate juice. "Didn't you eat your lunch?" I asked him while sipping my juice and he replied, "I had my lunch. Kishore gave me that already. Veg fried rice with raita." I got a sudden craving for veg fried rice and pleaded, "Then why don't you just wake me up and get me the same lunch? I would have shared the lunch with you." I pouted and he chuckled before uttering, "That's why I didn't wake you up. I discovered that white items are not good for health especially during periods. That's why I didn't feed you white rice or white sugar. I added jaggery in your juice for sweetness and gave you fruit salad which will keep you strong and healthy." I was taken back by his knowledge and his eyes glistened in care and love which made me fly in joy.

He took care of me for the whole day and I got my cramps back in the night after my dinner. I slowly limped down to the cupboard to get my tablet and Kathir blocked me from taking that. "Kathir, it's excruciatingly paining. So I need this to sleep." I said and pressed my abdomen which felt like being crushed into pieces. Kathir held my hands and said, "I know that you are in extreme pain, Nandhini. But please do understand that such painkiller pills are not good for your health and it will lead to several complications in future."

"But, what do I do when it's hurting...?" Before I could finish, he hushed me by placing his index finger on my lips and looked straight into my eyes, "Do you trust me, Nandhini?" I was mesmerized for a minute and nodded unconsciously without averting my gaze from his captive eyes. He slowly strolled his hands down to my waist and placed his palm over my abdomen and whispered, "Then, do trust my words when I say that this pain will fade away soon. And I will make sure that you will never get these cramps in future. I will make you get over this and let you sleep like a panda as you are already." I smacked his chest lightly and he brought me to the bed and tugged me along with him. I enclosed my hands over his arms which are hugging me protectively. I snuggled more into him and buried my face in the crook of his neck. His scent and hug ease my pain and I wondered, 'Whether he will pamper me like this after my periods?'

Unexpectedly, he wrapped his arms and pulled me more and placed a long kiss on my forehead and mumbled, "Sleep da laddoo." He cooed me till I feel my eyes getting heavier in sleep and I smiled at his nickname for me and let my slumber take over me completely.


What do you think of them after witnessing their little scenes 😉?

Will he be the same as Nandhu expects?

Drop your thoughts and stay tuned to know more!!!

Have a lovely day!!!

Take care and bye.


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