8 - Life starts here!

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Nandhini's Pov:

When I wake up in the morning, I felt so different all of a sudden. Because my mom is not there to wake me up and provide me with my morning tea and, the whole atmosphere screams that I am in a different place at a different stage. Yes, I am a married woman now. I turned around to see Kathir but to my dismay, he is not there. Where he went at this early morning? I raised my head from the pillow and noticed the clock showing 7.50 am.

I feel too lazy to get up from bed but, on the first day of marriage, I have to impress Kathir by cooking something good. Having that in mind, I quickly took a bath and then dressed well in a cotton saree. When I went out of our room, I saw Kathir, being dressed in formals and preparing something in the kitchen.

I tapped my feet a bit louder and, the sound of anklets caught his attention immediately. He looked at me and smiled genuinely. I flashed him a smile in return and went towards him to see what he is doing there in real. He is toasting a few slices of bread and prepared coffee. "Sorry, Nandhini. I haven't stored anything here as I was in Coimbatore for the last ten days. So I prepared toasted loaves of bread for you. Have this for breakfast and, I will get you something special for lunch." He said that while gazing at the toaster and I hummed in response.

"Actually, I am the one who has to utter sorry. I woke up late today. I should have got up early but..." unable to fill the gap, I left it unfinished and looked at my handsome hubby for some response. He shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't be sorry for this Nandhu. I have seen you sleeping peacefully despite the ear-thrashing alarm. So I stopped that and let you sleep for some more time. Besides, sleep is a blessing that not everyone will get so easily." I jumped in joy mentally after hearing his words.

How lucky I am to have him in my life!! I thought to myself and joined him to have our breakfast. After finishing the bread, he stood up taking his plate in his hand and, that's when I quickly stuffed the last piece of bread in my mouth and hurried towards him to get the plate from him. "Nandhini, you don't need to do all these things. Before you come here, I used to clean, everything and, there is nothing hard for me in doing that. So let me do my work like before." he said and went to put the plate in the washing sink of the kitchen, while I stared at him in surprise.

He took his laptop bag after washing his hands and told me that he is going to his office for finishing some work. He asked me to lock the door and stay inside safely. He moreover warned me not to open the door for anonymous calls. I listened to him and nodded yes to everything that he said to me. When he was about to enter the elevator, I expected him to turn back and wave a bye to me. To my surprise, he too turned around. But he turned back only to say "Nandhini. Be ready as our parents are coming today. I will try to come soon before they reach." With that, he got into the elevator and, I sighed in defeat.

We are a newly married couple and, I expected him to be more romantic as shown in movies. But, here everything is opposite to the cinemas. I am expecting him to be more romantic and lovable and, he is an introvert who never initiated anything to impress me. Maybe, he has something in his mind. I convinced myself and went to clean the home as I want them to look pleasant before the eyes of my parents as well as my in-laws.

The day went so well after the arrival of my parents along with my in-laws. As Kathir is busy with some work to be done on behalf of his boss, we planned to have post-marriage ceremonies later.

Kathir too joined us in the evening and, everyone enjoyed the time with delicious food bought by him. My parents showered me some advice on how to behave politely and how to control my anger. I kept silent during their advice as I know that they won't stop even if I told them to do so.

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