5 - He is the one!

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Nandhini's Pov:

I was hell nervous in the morning as I have to tell some story to make up my meet with Kathir. Yes, even though we are going to marry in a few days, I don't want to tell my parents about our meet. I know what the typical Indian parents would think if their daughter is telling them that she wants to meet her groom in private. 

After an hour of arguments, I somehow convinced my parents and got out of the house to meet my groom. Kathir has texted me that he would pick me up from my home but I politely refused thinking of the consequences that I would face if I get caught. It's nearly 6.30 in the evening and I am waiting outside the restaurant which Kathir fixed as our meeting point. It's not a crowded place nor an isolated one but surrounded by a few people and mostly couples. 

Kathir called me 10 minutes ago and told me that he was on the way to the destination. So I planned to wait outside and then accompany him once he reaches here. As told by him, he arrived on time and smiled at me genuinely with his remarkable face. He is wearing a blue t-shirt and sandal pants and he is having one hand inside his pockets and the other one is holding his bike key. He led the way and I followed him quietly without asking anything. 

Soon the waiter comes and asked for our orders. "One Coffee," said Kathir and looked at me for my answers. "One tea," I told and smiled back at Kathir nervously as I have no idea that why he wants to meet me and that too here. He is so silent even after the waiter went away from our table. I looked up to see what he was doing in the meantime. 

Ghosh!!! He is already looking at me with his strong eyes. We both parted our gaze from each other and looked in different directions to avoid embarrassment.

soon our orders arrived and we took our respective cups after thanking the waiter. "So, you prefer tea to coffee, right?" Kathir initiated the conversation and I nodded looking at my cup. 

"Yes, after all, I am a tea lover, you know!" I said and saw him sipping his coffee while inhaling the smell dreamily.

 Is he for real? I thought to myself and started sipping my tea enjoying the situation inside my heart.

"Nandhini, don't you ask me why I called you here?" Kathir asked me out of blue and his eyebrows are creased together notifying his intensity of his question. "I thought you will open up after drinking your coffee." I pointed out my forefinger to his cup and he shakes his head as if I am a child telling a rhyme. 

"Nandhini, I want to talk with you and that can't be spoken through mobile. That's why I called you to meet in person." he hesitated a bit and on seeing my face he continued to tell what he wants to do so. "Nandhini, I know that our marriage might be a great shock to you. Because I too was shocked at first on hearing the preponement of our marriage. But at the same time, I can't say no to my parents when they believe strongly that we will accept their decisions. Every single person on this earth will have their dreams about their marriage. But I am an exceptional one to that point. I don't have any kind of expectation in our marriage. 

But I can't expect the same from you as well. This marriage is concerned with our wishes and desires. I simply can't force you to accept everything that comes in our way. So I just want to ask sorry to you for this sudden arrangement. And I know that I am partially responsible for all this chaos happening around here as my horoscope plays an important role in this marriage. So please forgive me Nandhini. Trust me, I will fulfil all your wishes in any way in the future." He said with his pleading eyes which are screaming pure innocence and I was really taken back by his confession. 

How can a man be this much loyal and kind to his woman?

I wondered at his character and told him "That's okay Kathir. I can understand their reasons. Please don't ask for my forgiveness and all. I am happy with this marriage. Anyway, we are going to get married to each other one day and I think that day has come faster than we thought." I smiled in assurance and his face lit up on seeing my smile. Then we spoke some common things and soon the time has gone and it showed 8.00 PM. I badly want to continue our talk but deep inside I know that I can't do that now. Kathir got a call from his office and he excused himself to attend the call. I am standing outside the restaurant and Kathir is talking over the phone on the opposite side road with his back facing me. Meanwhile, I opened my Instagram to check the messages that I got earlier.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my right shoulder and I turned back to look at the person. I screamed in fear because that person is not Kathir and he is the ugliest drunkard. I don't even know what to do and I just jerked his hand away from me and started shouting in fear and anger. Tears started to form in my eyes and they automatically made their way out expressing my emotions. At lightning speed, Kathir crossed the road and instantly wrapped his hand around me in the way of protecting me from that bastard. 

That stupid is not at all moving a bit even after Kathir came and he stood like a statue staring at me as if I am a fruit. Kathir patted on my shoulder and asked me, "Nandhini, Are you okay ?" 

"Why did you shout earlier? Did he say anything to you?" He asked me and his voice is full of concern and I can sense a bit of anger. That's it!! I hugged Kathir tightly as if my life will disappear in minutes and started crying my heart out by clutching his T-shirt.

He rubbed his hand on my back and consoled me not to cry. With my shaking voice, I told him, "H...he touched me... Ka... Kathir". Kathir made me stand straight and asked me again looking straight into my eyes, "What? Did he touch you? Where Nandhini?" He asked and his voice is loud enough to grab the attention of people on the road. I pointed out my shoulder and again my tears rolled down thinking of his filthy touch. 

Kathir left my hands and grabbed that bastard's collar in full force and awarded him a hard punch on his face. He stumbled a bit but gained his consciousness soon and got himself ready to attack my Kathir. But Kathir is smart enough to guess his moves and hit him hard on his elbows and thighs and then punched him several times on his neck and stomach. He fell clutching his stomach and soon the people surrounded us gossiping among themselves. One among the crowd asked Kathir, "Why are beating him like a psycho? Whatever he has done, you have to handover him to the police."

Kathir got infuriated and snapped back at him, "Hey man, you just mind your own fucking business! Hand over him to the police if he lay his hands on your wife or daughter. But I am not some kind of worm who will keep quiet on seeing his activities. I will kill anyone if they touch what is mine." He said and again kicked him on his face and left the place by pulling me out from the environment. 

I have never seen him like this before nor heard anything about his anger but now, I have witnessed it directly with my own eyes. He is a super-angry person when the situation calls for. Even after moving away from the suffocating environment, I am still not yet over the shock and fear and my fingers are trembling continuously. Kathir sensed my condition and came to me closely and took my hands in his hand. I looked at him intently and Kathir hugged me tightly and whispered "It's okay Nandhu, you are safe now. You will be alright baby." He patted my back lightly and kissed my head. I tightened my grip on Kathir's back and leaned more closer to his chest as his scent is calming my heart down after the frightful encounter.

We stood there hugging each other for some time and then Kathir parted away and kissed on my forehead saying, "No matter what happens, I will be there for you Nandhu. You are mine and I will never let any harm come closer to you when I am alive."

Ufff... I already fall in love with this man!! Yes, I love you Kathir. I said to myself and once again hugged him back to feel his warmth and love.


So, how was the chapter, my dear readers?

Hope you all like it and see you soon in the next chapter.

Until then, Bye and take care buddies.

Your lovely writer,


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