13 - Leave me alone!

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Nandhini's Pov:

I don't even think that Kathir would be this much dumb person when it comes to love. Does he know how much disappointed I was in the morning? Obviously no! He thought that I am all okay and normal and my so-called husband can't even find the difference between my true smile and the fake one.

Just wowwww!!!

At present, I am preparing lunch when my phone buzzed with a message. I opened the notification and saw that it was a message from Kathir. Though I wanted to ignore him just like he did, my heart always melts on seeing his name no matter how hurt I was before. Letting out a frustrating sigh, I touched the message icon and it reads: Be ready at 7'o clock sharp. Will dine together for dinner.

With love,

All my sorrows and disappointments vanished into the thin air and I am literally dancing on my toes after reading his message. At last, he is going to take me out for dinner. Yes! Finally, he realised that he has a wife to love!!!

I quickly finished my lunch and took a warm shower to make myself good and comfortable. After draping a simple cotton saree, I braided my hair loosely and touched up some makeup as it is my first date with my husband. I sprayed the perfume lightly and gave a last look in the mirror to check whether everything is fine.

Perfect! I praised myself mentally and went out of our room to see the clock. It was already fifteen past seven and there is no trace of Kathir found. Maybe he is stuck with the traffic. I thought to myself and sat on the sofa waiting for him. I started to scroll my Instagram and it just swamped my boredom like anything.

When I again look back at the clock, it was already 8 pm and there is no phone calls or messages from Kathir. Now my heart began to beat faster, not in anxiety but fear. What might have happened to him? He only told me to get ready, right?
Then why he is not showing up on time?

Sweat beads began to form on my forehead and I started to dial his number. He didn't pick up my call and this increased the wave of fear in my heart. My fingers never left the mobile as it continues trying to get him through the call. After 34 mins of trying, he picked up the call and said, "Hello,"

A wave of relief washed over me and it came out as tears from my eyes. "Kathir, are you okay?" I asked him with pure concern and he replied, "Yeah, I am fine. Sorry, I was stuck with some important office work, that's why I couldn't make it up on time."

Again tears pooled in my eyes but this time, it is not because of fear or something but because of my huge disappointment. How can he say just like that? Did I ask him to take me out in the first place?

I suppressed my tears and said, "Ohhh, that's okay, Kathir. You carry on." Though I was fuming in anger due to his lethargic behaviour. "Nandhini, the work will take 10 more minutes I guess. I will surely take you out if you want to go." He said in a cheerful voice and this added more salt to my raw wound.

"No need Kathir. You just finish your work and come safe to our home." I faked a smile and put the phone down, unable to bear the pain of disappointment.

Why God? Why all these things are happening to me? Can't he see how desperately I was waiting for him? Can't he feel my love for him? Can't he understand my emotions at least? I slumped on the sofa and cried out all my worries without control.

After few minutes, I went to the room and started to remove all the accessories as nothing will going to happen hereafter. After changing into cotton Kurti, I made chappathi and raita for us albeit with my sore mood. I heard the doorbell and he appeared there with a smiling face.

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