42. Story

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Julio's POV 

The day ended like a broken down NYC train. God the one day i wanted work to be done fast, it takes the longest, god. 

I didn't even tell Kleo where we were going, just dragged him into my car and strapped his seatbelt in. 

"Ms Castro?" He went straight to the point. 

"Oh you bet 'cha." I smirked as I started the engine. 

Carmen's POV 

"Good work today!! See you tomorrow!" I spoke to the security guard lady before leaving the building. Welp, first day wasn't that bad i suppose. 

I slapped my forehead and cursed. "Sure Carmen, today went perfectly great." 



Back at home, I collapsed on my bed and screamed into my pillow in annoyance and anger. DAMN THAT STUPID DOOD! 

I fished out my phone from my bag and dialed Kiara's number in a hurry. The tea is extra hot today...

*ring ring* 

*ring ring* 

*ring ring* 

God damnit, the one day i need your extra ass and you decided to focus in class. Pick up c'monnnnn. 

*ring ring*

*ring ring* 


"....hello?" I heard Kiara's sleepy voice. 

"Why did you go for the class if you were just gonna sleep there?" I chuckled. 

"For the attendance duh." 

"Can you ditch the class today? I need some girl talk." 

"Oh my god. Has the day finally come? Carmen Santini. Actually having tea and drama in her life. I must be in heaven." Kiara said dramatically. 

I sighed as she continued rambling about how the world has ended and she can already entrust her soul to Satan after her succession in making me a gossip girl. 

"You wanna hear the tea or not." 

"Duhhhh. Just lemme sneak out first. I'll call you back." 

With that she hung up, only to return back the call literally 30 seconds later. 

"TEA TIME!!!!" She yelled through the phone. I literally had to move the phone far away from my ear to at least protect my ear drums. 

"Tea is too hot today sis. I needa meet you in person. The usual bar at 10?" 

"Bitch I'll be there." 



Yes I'm well aware it was just the evening. But when you need a break, you need a break. 

I yelped as I felt someone slapped my back. 

"My girl!!! I missed you!!" Kiara wrapped me in a friendly hug before I could yell at her for shocking me. 

"I miss you too." I smiled as I returned her hug. 

"So, shall we?" She broadened her smile further. 

I nodded my head as she simply grabbed my hand and entered the bar together. 

Her grip was firm, I could feel it. That was when I realized once again, this could've been her chance. Her chance to speak up. 

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