28. Discovery

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"Then.. if we're more than friends, will I be allowed to worry about you?"

I was shocked by his question. What does he mean by this?


"You don't know how much it scared me when you fainted in my arms like that. I don't ever want that to happen again."

"Garcia..you're too close. "

"What? We've been closer before. Many times actually. Don't you remember?"


I couldn't speak. He...left me speechless.

He looked me as if wanting an answer, but I couldn't.

He let out a short sigh before retreating.

"Sorry. Take some rest. Imma head out." And he left without another word.

I was still dumbfounded. What did he mean? He wanna be more than friends? But more than friends mean...what?!

Does this mean...he..likes me?

God...what should I do now?

Brian's POV

Jesus christ. That did not just happen.

What am I? An idiot?!

How could I almost confess my feelings?! I'm Brian Garcia!! I don't catch feelings! Much less confess!

What's wrong with me?!

I grabbed my head in annoyance.

Now she's gonna think I'm crazy or something. Well, not that I am already not. But still...

Ugh I need a killing spree right now..but I'm at the government's territory...And my one year sentence isn't finished.

I can't wait to leave this country.

"Garcia!" I heard someone call my name.

I turned around and was shocked to see Carmen running towards me.

"Santini? What are you-"

"Idiot! Why'd you make me run so much?" She panted when she was just in front of me.

"I didn't ask you to r..." I was so confused.

"Say it."

"Say what?"

"Say what you mean just now."


"What did you mean by "more than friends"."

"S-Santini, why are you talking about this now?"

"I wanna know."

"You're still recuperating..you should get some rest." I tried to walk away.

"Brian Garcia!"

I was shocked. She just called out my full name. She hasn't done that before...

"Just tell me what you meant. I don't want to be confused by your words again."

"I...what I meant was....ughh you just didn't let me worry about you, so I spoke out of line. It meant nothing."

God what am I saying at this point?

"Nothing? It.meant.nothing?"

"Santini I..."

"God i hate you so much. Making me confused all the time..." She rubbed her eyes.

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