32. Festival

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"Welcome to Clear Waters College's 20th anniversary! You students have worked hard in carrying this college's name, therefore grab your friends and explore this year's booths!! Curfew will be extended to 1am just for tonight. Have fun!!" The principal announced. 

Everyone clapped before gathering with their friends and entering the campus. 

While everyone started going in, Brian and I....we're just standing there!!!






For some reason after we left the dorm, we avoided eye contact all the way here. And even now we haven't talked a single time. And to top that annoying stuff of, Brian still kept glancing at me at the corner of his eye. 

God it sends me shivers. 

"S-so, wanna go get something to drink?" He finally spoke.

"Y-yea sure. I heard you like passionfruit tea?"

"Oh? How did you know that?" He asked in surprise.

"Kiara told me.." I avoided his gaze. 

"Haha what does that girl not tell you?" He joked.

I shrugged and giggled along with him. 

We continued to walk further into the crowd went to a random drink stall and got drinks. As we explored the campus, if felt like we were chatting like normal friends. Friends who just want to know about the "tea" in your life and has no motive for anything else except to chat with you. 

The campus was surrounded by the aroma of food and the buzzling of students. Booths and activities were available everywhere. Of course we tried a few and bumped into Kiara during her shift. 

The night was young and we enjoyed it to the max. The atmosphere was lively and the awkwardness before the night started gradually started to lighten by itself. Before long, we were focused on that one stall for the past half hour, hogging the entire line of people wanting to play the game too. 

But as soon as they saw our streaks of victory, they instinctively backed out and left us alone. Yea, it was a shooting game. You know the one which you use a play gun to shoot down the stacks of cups and you earn a prize? Yea, it got so easy to win Brian and I decided to make  a competition out of it. Best 4 out of 5 gets to have a free dinner after. 

The stall owner got fed up and immediately shut down the booth as soon as we won all of his prizes. 

Guess who won ;)

"Yes your highness, what poison will you feed me tonight and empty my bank account with?" He rolled his eyes. 

"Korean.B.B.Q." I winked. 

He sighed in defeat and we went to an open barbeque stall. 

"Meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat....." I drooled. 

"Ah...i got that..." He dragged. 







There would be a special fireworks display at midnight to mark the end of the anniversary festival, so after our bellies were full, we grabbed some beer from a vending machine and sneaked up to the roof of the campus. 

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