34. Plan

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Before me stood a beautiful sunrise, where the waves were calm, the sun almost at its peak, and the birds complimenting the entire view by soaring through the sky. It felt like time stopped and the view was paused at just the right moment. The air was comforting and the breeze was cooling. 

"Beautiful." Was all I could say. It was the definition of a perfect view. 

"Like you." He added on afterwards. 

Ok that took me aback. 

Before long, Garcia slowly took my hand and held on to it. His grip was firm, but it took me way too long to notice. 

"I have a mission Santini. And the target's your uncle. Despite how much I like you, I'll be killing your own blood. I hope you can understand that. I don't want to hurt you, I don't want you to hate me. But..I have to get my revenge." He started talking. 

I let out a deep breath and returned his grip. 

I looked him straight in his eye. And with confidence, I just replied,

"I know. I'm going to help you."

He looked at me in confusion. 

"He's..done some bad things, i know that well. And he made me do his dirty work, using jail as a threat. He's better off dead." I told him. 

"Santini...are you sure?" 

"Of course. I already decided this a long time ago. I like you too, and I accept you for you. So don't go off without me alright? From now on, wherever you go, I go."

He smiled at me tenderly and with the look of relief. 

"You're one weird girl aren't you." 

"I take that as a compliment." 

And he pulled me closer to him, embracing me with a soft kiss on my lips. This time, I didn't flinch, I didn't think, I didn't stop. Instead, I accepted it, wholeheartedly. I opened my mouth and let his tongue explore it. It felt so real, so natural, that I didn't want it to end. It was filled with love, passion and sweetness. 

When he was about to pull away, I grabbed his face once again and smashed my lips on his. I could feel him smiling before giving back my kiss. 

"God you drive me insane." He whispered.

"Deal with it." I chuckled. 

We watched the beautiful sunrise together before going back to the dorm. Kiara burst open the doors for us and started apologizing like crazy for lying to me. 

I chuckled and told her she owed me a cup of coffee later on.

"So, did you make it official?" She asked as she peeked at our intertwined hands. 

Honestly I couldn't really respond. I looked at Brian who had a determined look on his face. 

"Yea, I guess. Santini-no, Carmen, she's my girlfriend." 

God the way he said my name and the word "girlfriend" just easily rolled off his tongue. He made it sound like those words were only meant for him to say and only him.

"What a way to ask me don't you think? You didn't even get me flowers."I teased him.

"There's no other flower in the world that'll be more beautiful than you." He tugged my hair behind my ear. 

What? Was he always this such a flirt? 

"Alright alright no more PDA in here please." Kiara chuckled.

She grabbed both of us inside and shut the door tight. 

"I need to talk about something important now." 





We settled down on the bed, drew the curtains closed and ensured that the door was locked. 

"I have a feeling that Carmen knows about your revenge...?" Kiara faced Brian. He nodded and looked at me again. 

"The end of the year is approaching. Brian will have to be out of Mexico by then. So I gotta know- what's your plan?"

Honestly after everything we have been through, it's true we've never had a proper time to just sit down and discuss this matter. God I had forgotten how important this is. 

Now that Brian and I are "official", what's gonna happen now? Do I follow him to America and end off my uncle? Do I return to Mexico after? What will the Government do? Will we be hostages? Will we live our lives as runaways? 

I started stressing really bad as I tried to process every possibilities to go around this situation. Brian saw my worried expression and cleared his throat. 

"Honestly my plan didn't go exactly to plan." 

"What?" I asked him. 

"Everything was planned out smoothly since the day I was released to this college. I end off Damian, I kill that bastard, and after I end your uncle, Carlos Santini, it would be time I get banned from Mexico, Kiara would follow me there, I create new identities and I can finally live my life again. And also, I expected an assassin to be ordered to kill me too. " 

That sounded so simple to accomplish, to a psycho's eye. It's kinda terrifying...

"But..I didn't expect to fall in love with that assassin." He started looking down, blushing from cheek to cheek. 

"I became distracted, and my plans were foiled the day after the attack at the mansion. And I had to come up with a new plan. But once again, it got destroyed once the government wanted me working for them. And now the worst part of all, I don't have just one person in my life to sacrifice for, I have two. And bloody hell that person, became my weakness and strength."

"Sounds like confession number 2, stop." Kiara gagged. 

"You'll understand once you get a boyfriend yourself lil' sis." Brian flicked her forehead. 

I was at a loss for words. Especially when he said, "strength". What did he mean by that? 

"Strength?" I asked. 

"Oh, I didn't tell you.. I found out that when you pop up in my mind, that personality of mine sorta..switched off."

"You're kidding. You gotta be kidding. No way... You mean to say that your mentality can be cured?!!" I gasped. 

"Uh..you could say that." 

I didn't even think and charged at him with a huge hug. 

"Oh my god!!!! I'm so happy right now! You have no idea!!!" 

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around  my waist. 

"Only you can get me even crazier that I already am." He teased. I smiled at his comment and cupped his face in my hands and gave him a passionate kiss. 

"A-HEMMM." We heard someone forcefully coughing. 

Shit we totally forgot Kiara's here once again.

"God this convo is gonna take all night... Lord help me." Kiara shook her head. 

~ Chapter 35 out on 22 August 2020 ~

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