23. Hurt

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"Did you hear?"

"No, what is it?"

"Alexandro is missing."

"Yea! He was gone when it was morning?"

"God did something happened to him?"

"Where did he go?"

"Shit is he dead or something?"

"What's going on?" I went to the group of soldiers who were whispering among themselves.

"Oh Ms Santini. Uh it's nothing."

"Tell me the truth."

They all lowered their head and one of them started talking.

"Alexandro is missing. We couldn't find him in the entire area. And we need to fall in soon."

"What? He's missing? What do you mean?"

"We can't find him. He's nowhere to be found."

"Have you informed the officers?"

"No..b-but! We could be wrong. Maybe he just left for the loo o-or something."

"No. Fine, you guys keep looking. I'll tell the officers."

"Y-yes ma'am."

I rushed to the head and told him that a comrade was missing. The entire troop started to look for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. I started to panic real bad.

Alexandro where are you?

At the midst of searching i realised i was back to where the dead tiger was. It was starting to smell there. I shook my head and made my way higher up to the lake area.

"Alexandro? Alexandro where are you?!" I kept shouting.

What possibly could have possibly happened to him?

"Santini!" I heard my name behind me.

"Jesus wait for me will ya."

"Garcia? What are you doing here?"

"Following you duh." He panted.

"Why? We should spread out and search for him." I said frantically.

"Jeez are you that worried about him?"

"What are you talking about? He's injured Brian. He could be stuck somewhere or something!"

"He's just a soldier." He mumbled.

"Just? Garcia, he is my friend!"

He rolled his eyes and pushed me aside and walked past me.

No it couldn't be..

"Garcia..Garcia!" I yelled.

But he ignored me.

"Garcia!" I kept calling him out.

But he still didn't respond.

"Brian Garcia!" I shouted.

He finally stopped and turned to look at me.

"What." He looked at me maliciously.

"You..didn't do it right?"

"Do what."

"You didn't kill him did you."

"Why on earth would i kill him."

"I don't know. It's just a thought. It's just something only you are capable of doing." I faced his cold stare.

"I'm capable of doing it doesn't mean i did it love."

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