33. Confession

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Brian's POV

"I like you too." 

I blinked once in shock. And another time in disbelief. Before I could even respond, Carmen suddenly collapsed in my arms. 



"I..ah...haha..." I chuckled. 

She likes me too. Huh...

I scooped her into my arms and carried her all the way back to her dorm. Kiara was already inside, bathed and ready to sleep. 

"Oof how much did she drink?" Kiara commented as I laid Carmen down on her bed. 

She groaned and turned to the opposite side of the bed and curled up into a ball. I giggled at the cuteness and pulled the sheets over her. She shifted her body slightly before snuggling in right and slept. 

"Alright alright you can stop staring at my girl now." Kiara teased. 

"Make sure she drinks some water when she wakes up alright?" I told Kiara. 

"Yea yea. But did anything special happen just now? Let's say....at midnight?" She jested. 

"Stop poking your nose in people's business sis." I tried to avoid blushing. 

"Nah uh this is my business. You better tell me now." She folded her arms. 

Hm...maybe, we can have a little of fun right now. Wouldn't hurt right?

"Santini confessed her feelings. Well, in a drunk state she did anyways." 

"She did?!" 

"Shhh don't wake her up! But yes, she did." 

"Oh my god I gotta discuss the wedding plans!!!" She squealed. 

W-wedding plans?

"Well, she most likely won't remember what she said tomorrow morning. So, you wanna have a bet with me Kiara?" 


"Yep, a bet."

She thought for a moment and smirked the second after. 

"I'm all ears." 

Carmen's POV

The sunlight hit my eyes and i suddenly felt dizzy in my head. I rubbed my head and took a big stretch. 

Today's Saturday, so no school today. Guess I can just sleep in more-

"CARMENNNNNN you're awake!!!!!" Kiara popped into my room. 

I rolled my eyes and covered the sheet over my head. 

"Ah c'monn, wake up sleepyhead." She stole the sheet away from me. 

"Give me a break Kiara. I was knocked out cold from last ni-" 

My brain started to recall all the activities it could remember from last night. Game, lost, bbq, soju, fireworks. 

"WHERE'S GARCIA?!" I jumped out of my bed. 

"Chill out, he's just preparing to leave the country." 


"You don't remember? You told him off last night, and said he should just go and get his revenge and stay there forever. You even said you hated him and want nothing to do with him anymore. He got sad and went on like you said." Kiara said calmly while folding the sheets. 

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