16. Feelings

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America is where uncle's second base is..Is he really planning to attack his entire gang?


"What was that?"

"Huh? Oh nothing.."

"Why suddenly so interested?" Kiara smirked. 


"Carmen, you like my brother right?"

I suddenly tensed up.

"Where did you get that idea from?"

"C'mon, it's quite obvious. Firstly, everytime you guys pass by each other despite not talking, you would always glance at each other. Secondly, you actually secretly went to the football tryouts even though you said you didn't want to go. And lastly, everytime we talk about him, your eyes will sparkle with curiosity." She grinned.

"D-do I?"

"Yes. And i know whenever you saw Brian with Talia, you would feel jealous. It's written all over your face girl, no matter how much you wanna deny it." 


"C'mon, you have feelings for him right."

"Why would i fall for a criminal."

"Opposite attracts?"

"Funny Kiara."

"I'm serious! I think you have fallen for him. "

"How can we even confirm it?"

"By kissing him." Kiara smirked.

"What does kissing have anything to do with this?" I crossed my arms, trying hard not to remember that event.

"Well, if you do have feelings for him, the kiss would be very seductive. You'll enjoy his lips on yours, as he embraces you. And you would wish that moment would never end because you wanna enjoy the taste forever and- Carmen, are you blushing?"


"You're blushing right now! And hard." Kiara grinned.

"I am not!"

Me? Why would I have fallen for a psycho like him? 

"Stop denying your feelings girl. You know what they say, the harder you deny, the greater you'll fall." 

"Who says that?"

"I did. I just made it up."

"Oh god. I do not have feelings for him alright? It's impossible."

It's impossible.

Brian's POV

"How's Clear Waters college Garcia?"

"Trash. What do you want?"

"I'm calling to see if you've changed your mind."

"Uh, no? There's no way i'm working for the government who wants my head every single day."

"It was just a small gesture. It's not like you can even die from it."

"Yea sure. But by sending the Carmen Santini? I would think otherwise."

"Ah well, we've tried. I'm actually surprised she couldn't do it. It's quite a shame."

"Why are you calling me really."

"Ah, that..."






God i can't believe they had the balls to ask me that. 

By this time i was walking past Starbucks and i saw the girls sitting together and drinking some coffee. 

Being bored as I am, i just went and interrupted them. 

"What's up baby sis!" I wrapped my arms around Kiara.

"Brian? Where did you come from?" Kiara asked.

"Ah, Talia got annoying and i just broke up with her." 

I looked at Carmen who was just silently sipping her coffee, avoiding eye contact with me.

"What? But you guys were only together for a month."

"She's like a gold digger. I hate her."

"Ah, she's the school's hoe for a reason. Wanna join us for a drink?"

I looked at Carmen who still didn't say anything.

"Hm sure. Kiara grab me a caramel latte would ya?"

"Ugh get it yourself."

"I have some stuff i wanna say to your friend."

Kiara looked at Carmen and agreed.

And after 3 months or more, we were sitting on the same bench.

"What do you want Garcia."

"Huh, so you still have a mouth."

"Unfortunately it doesn't respond to bullshit. "

"The government called me today."

"So? It's none of my business."


"Whatever you do has got nothing to do with me."

"Not even your uncle?"

She tensed up.

"Not..even him. I broke contact with that bastard." 

"Huh, interesting."

"yea, now can you shut up?"

"Why do you gotta have to be so cold Santini."

She sighed and placed her coffee beside her and looked up towards me.

"Because i hate you. And i want nothing to do with you."

"Yea, that's probably not gonna happen."

It kinda broke my heart when she said that so coldly and plainly. Does she really not care anymore?

"Why's that?" She asked me.

"Because we may have to work together again."


"The government has threatened us to come in and teach the Mexican Army."

"You're kidding right?"

"Nope. They threatened that if we don't, Kiara would be in trouble."

"They brought Kiara in?"

"Yea, and there is no way I'm letting them hurt my sister."

"But why us?"

"They have been tracking us. They know what we do. They know everything. Apparently they have been waiting for the right moment to come and threaten us, and they finally did. "

"This government is sick."

"Tell me about it. But we have no choice. So, you agree?"

"Do i even have a choice?"

I smiled and nodded.

Now, here's another chance for us. But at the price of serving the government? God. 

But here's my chance to make things right. 

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