25. Decision

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A month had gone by since we've been assigned to train the Army. And they've been vastly improving i would say.

Today the head officer, Mr Kim had finally introduced himself to us. But it wasn't to see his soldier's progress, but to "summon" Brian to the leaders of Mexico.

"Say what now."

"You heard me Garcia. You are requested by the government."

"Jeez, i believe i know what is it for. Can i say no?" He yawned.

"No. We're going."

He rolled his eyes and was about to follow him but i grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey what's going on." I asked seriously.

"Nothing love. Don't worry. I'll be back alright?" He reassured.

I bit my lip, refraining from asking more questions.

"Ok." Was all i could say.

Brian's POV

It's probably obvious why they would send me to their office. I mean, since i'm in their territory, why wouldn't they take this opportunity right?









At their office, Mr Kim reminded over and over again.

"Inside, don't speak unless they speak first understand?"

"No? Can i get this over with now?"

He had his annoyed look but let me in with two guards behind me.

"What is up chief! Long time no see. Missed me in prison?"

"No?" Mr Ham, the chief police said.

"C'mon, you have to admit I made your days in prison so exciting right?"

"Shut your mouth Garcia." Mr Ham said.

"Brian Garcia." The main person spoke.

And i turned my entire attention to the person sitting in the middle chair.

"Mr President, an honour to meet you." I said with a smirk.

"Have you decided?" He went straight to the point.

"Mr President, why do you want me so bad? There's so many other excellent killers out there that you can try to ask. So why me?" I rocked my heels back and forth.

"You know the reason yourself Mr Garcia. I don't need to explain."

"Heh well. Yea, I've made up my mind."

"Go on?"

"I will join. Under one condition."


"I will if Carmen Santini does."


"You heard me Mr President. If you can get Carmen Santini on board, I will too. And frankly speaking, it benefits you more than me."

"She is a top assassin. She works solo, there will be no possible way she'll join Mexico's line of work."

"Then i guess too bad." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Mr President...we can..." I heard the ministers whisper to him.

"Ah if you dare threaten her again, I'll have your throat by tomorrow morning. " I stared at him coldly.

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