45. Bound

305 11 0

Carmen's POV 

I tried to imagine i just heard that wrongly- like, He wants ME to go to HIS house?!! 

What?! This is- 






So we all hopped onto his car and off we went. I still couldn't grasp at the situation at hand. This was all too sudden. God literally 5 minutes ago i was still at the bar talking to them before getting scolded by Kiara for ditching her. 

But this?! 

wow. just wow. 

Kleo's POV 

Was it an irrational decision to invite her to come? Yes. Yes it was. 

But if she was the problem to Julios' misery, they have to talk it out. She's an outstanding employee, and i can't let his reputation fall just because of this little issue. 

Not even if she may be my competition....Julios is the most important person here. And I would do anything just to see him happy and fulfilling his goals. 




I could tell she was very confused and uncomfortable over this sudden situation. So you could imagine how awkward the ride there was.

She tried to look out the window continuously even though all we were passing by were just trees. I would have started a conversation with her...but truth is, I would really want to try to avoid that. 

Julios had passed out behind us and was just sleeping peacefully. With me driving and her acting uncomfortable, it was definitely a much  longer journey to his house than per usual. 



Julios is a multi-billionaire. So of course he decided to have his place up where the city lights couldn't reach him. He had told me before that he preferred the peace over the people, and therefore decided to have his penthouse up where the mountains were. "The scenery is much more beautiful here, trust me." He once told me. 

And I'm not gonna lie, he was right

We drove up to his place, and i carried him out of the car. I saw her stepping out of the car, but i didn't see much of a reaction coming from her.

Shouldn't this be her first time seeing a multi-billionaire's penthouse? I would've thought she may be staring in awe. Maybe this isn't her first time... 

She came over to my side to help me with Julios, and surprisingly, she was quite strong. I could feel majority of his weight falling off of me. Does she work out a lot? 

I pulled the wide glass doors open and guided the both of them up to his room. 

I could see her from the corner of my eyes taking in every single detail in the house. I decided to ignore and lead them further into the house. 

Julios' room was the very classic type of bedroom. He had a single king sized bed and with a chandelier hanging from above. At the corner of his room was a wide desk covered with stacks of papers and a walk-in closet just beside the bathroom. The bathroom could fit more than 5 people as the mirrors surrounded half of the entire bathroom area. His dresser stood beside his bed with his watches and neckties on display under the drawers. And lastly, he had an amazing balcony just outside his bedroom. "The best view you can get among the entire penthouse." He would say. 

 I would consider his room to be large, but boy his kitchen and living room could not even compare. And wait till you see the indoor swimming pool and barbeque pit...

Julios immediately collapsed on the bed after we attempted to place him down gently. I could only admire for those few seconds before asking Ms Castro to leave the room with me. 

"So, what do you want to talk about with me?" She asked as soon as i closed his door. 


"Hey, I know you're not so stupid to allow a new employee like me, come to my boss's penthouse out of nowhere. Especially if i've caught him drunk." 


"Maybe that's why i told you to come. To request not to  tell anyone his drunk state." 

"Nah, if it was just that, all the more you wouldn't let me come here. I would've just seen more of his drunk state." 

I crossed my arms and stared at her. Trying to come up with a good answer. 

But i guess i couldn't. 

"Well you caught me right there... Come, let's go to the living room first." 

Carmen's POV 

Honestly his house was actually quite nice and simple. Unlike other houses I've seen, ugh, they just gotta make the whole damn house look like a palace for some reason. 

I admired the house as it seemed like forever till we reached the living room. However, one thing that I noticed was that there were 0 to no security cameras around the house.

I wanted to ask Kleo why, but...wouldn't that be considered kinda suspicious?

We sat down opposite each other, and i swear i could feel the tension between us getting higher.  

"So you gonna start talking, or are we just gonna stay here in silence..?" I asked. 

He rolled his eyes and positioned himself to sit up straight. 

"So how was your first day?" 

"It was..exciting i guess? A day full of surprises." 

"Then, how do you find Mr Black as your boss?" 

The way he phrased the question, made me wonder whether it was for his own selfish reasons that he asked. 

"Ok i guess. But do you think you can get to the point of this conversation? It's getting really late..and i still have to head home."

"You can just stay here for the night, he won't mind. Trust me."

"A-ah, alright then." 

"Do you want to have a permanent place as his secretary?" He suddenly asked, catching  me off guard.

It took me a few seconds to take in what he just said. I blinked my eyes multiple times. Was he.. offering me a contract?

"Why the sudden offer?" I dared to ask, probably risking the chances of attaining that contract. 

"Well, you might not know, but we tend to put 2 separate tests for every new secretary he has. And you're the first who actually passed both. Plus he seems attached to you. So it brings benefits for both sides, no?" He said it so straightforward. 

Looking at the good side, means i don't have to fight with any newbies and i get a permanent high pay, WHICH i can pay for a better apartment plus my daily necessities!! And it gives me a reason to stay beside Julios and attain his trust enough for him to start spilling the inside secrets of Black Corporations. 


Looking at the bad side though, they are just trying to keep me signed to Black Corporations with no way of getting out anytime soon, which can ultimately result in ..bad consequences. Because they would be able to drag me into the underground. 

My eyes darkened. 

Sometimes it just slips my mind, that they still don't know i'm the niece of Blood Dragon Gang, the most feared ones in the underground world. 

In other words, 

A person who carries the blood of a Santini.

To drag me back into that world, is a really bold move. 

I looked up at him again, giving my usual warm smile, "Sure! I'll gladly accept." 

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