36. New Adventure

497 13 2

Mexico's Base

Carlos's POV 

So, has my darling niece decide to spread her wings and began her wild adventures? Haha I won't let you. You are mine. My property, my puppet. And you aren't going to escape from me. 

I'll show you what happens when someone crosses me, Carmen Santini. 

"Daniel, give a call to Caius. We have some business to take care of." I called out to my right-hand man. 

"Yes sir." He acknowledged before leaving. 

We won't go down without a fight. I won't let my empire fall because of you two. 

I cracked my knuckles in anger. 

Now, i have two choices: Be merciful, or be heartless.

Carmen's POV 

After quitting the school, of course I had to get a job in order to at least get the necessities for myself. I got a part-time job at a cafe and rented an apartment. 

My uncle, Carlos, owns many businesses in Mexico. He may be the leader of the underworld, but he also plays by the rules in society. By blending into society, chances that he'll get caught being an illegal businessman is very low. 

Those who have even the slightest doubt about him, or suspicions, were immediately dealt with. His words are always final. His spies are everywhere, always watching everyone very closely. He's also closely associated with everything that goes on in the world, and has some connections inside the government. 

Everything, and i mean everything, works in his favour. 





I munched on my bread while looking at the recent news. 

"Yesterday, a man named Indigo Travis was found murdered on 11th Youtube Street. It appears that he had been strangled to death. The time of death is estimated to be 3.07am. Until now, the murderer has yet to be identified. More information of this mysterious death will be issued by the police after the commercial. Thank you." the reporter read. 

"So, you killed him huh." I smirked. 

Indigo was the man who done "it" when Kiara was young. Brian had mentioned many times he would kill Indigo even if it meant he would end up in jail again. Brian just couldn't forgive what he had done to Kiara. And i kinda understood his anger. But I didn't expect to give him such a merciful death. Normally Brian would have cut out his body parts or something. By strangling him, I have to say Indigo is lucky to have such a death. 

I giggled as i thought how could I say the way a man had died was lucky. A life is a life. No questions asked. That jerk deserved what he got. 

I sipped my last bit of coffee and headed out. 

Today's my interview in Black Corporations, one of the companies that work closely with the underground, with my uncle. The higher ups use illegal means to gain their funds, however because they earn so much profits, they are a huge deal in the business world. They have many shareholders and business partners in the world, hence no one could complain. 

 I had to wear a professional outfit that just wasn't my style. Ugh the tight skirt and blouse, so uncomfortable. The usual white blouse, heavy makeup, high ponytail, short black pencil skirt, and black pumps if you want the full version. 

Kiara still has half a year of college left before she can graduate. Meanwhile, Brian is preparing for the next phase, but he's currently staying low. Whereas I, will first infiltrate Black Corporations. 

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