22. What?

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I blinked my eyes open and saw that i was back in my tent. I rubbed my head and tried to remember what happened.

And it hit me like a thousand bricks.

I hugged Brian.

I jumped up and almost got a shock to see him lying beside me.

"Oh! Ms Santini, you're awake! How're you feeling? You caught a cold last night." Len came in to give me some fever meds.

"Well I'm fine...but..." I turned to face Brian.

"Oh! Mr Garcia carried you back to base and also stayed by your side the entire night. Man that's soooo sweet of him." Len exclaimed as i swallowed the medication.

"He did...?"

"Yea! I don't that position is comfortable to sleep but he did it the entire night." Len explained.

I looked at Brian and back at Len.

"Thanks Len, i think i'll get some rest."

"Of course! Today the entire troop is going hiking. Only you, Mr Garcia, a few officers and Alexandro will be at the base."

"Ok i got it. Thank you."

He nodded and left to inform the officers that I'm alright.

I faced Brian who was sleeping peacefully and gently stroked his hair.

Thank you.

"What are you doing Santini." I suddenly heard.

I took my hand away immediately and stared at him.

He woke up with a big yawn and looked at me with a grin.

"How long were you awake." I raised my eyebrow.

"5 minutes? How are you feeling? Better?" He asked worriedly.

I started to blush all over and turned my back on him.

"Fine. Thanks for last night. Sorry."

"Why are you thankful yet sorry?" He laughed.


"Love I'm just happy you're ok. You were freezing from top to toe last night, i was so worried you know."

"Why do you even bother?"

"Because I care about you."

He was so determined when he said that it was almost amusing.

"Well thanks for your concern. But i'm alright now, so you can leave." I said.

"Yea not happening. You probably still have a fever."

I heard him come closer, my heart was pounding. He lifted my head and brushed my hair to the side. He used his large hand and felt my forehead.

"Yep still a fever. I'll go grab some hot water for you. Give me a sec." He stood up and left the tent.

As soon as his was gone, i let out a sigh i didn't know i was holding in and felt my heart beating rapidly.

It's the fever. I told myself. It's the fever.

Brian came back moments later and handed me some water to drink. I drank the water and felt my body being warmed up.

"Thanks..." I mumbled.

"Haha you're welcome love." He chuckled.

"Can i get some rest now?"

"Sure. I'll be right next to your tent if you need me."


Then he stood up and left. And i was left alone. I looked at the warm cup of water that he gave me and gripped it tighter.

It's the fever.

Brian's POV

After returning to my own tent, it kinda felt quiet again.

Just then, Alexandro came inside.

"Hey Mr Garcia, can I talk to you?"

"Go ahead."

He used his crutches to come and sit beside me.

"How's your ankle? I heard about the love story." I teased.

"It's healing i guess." He said embarrassingly.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Ah well, it's about Ms Santini."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"What about her?" I asked.

"Mr Garcia..you like her don't you?"

I flushed.


"You like her don't you?"

"Jeez, why does everyone keep telling me that." I scratched my head.


"My friends in school tells me that too." I laughed.

"You're still in school?!"


"Wow, i thought someone muscular like you has already been working or something."

"Noo, I'm still quite young. But anyways, how did you know?"

"Hm? Oh well, it's quite obvious."


"Yea, the way you care about her. The way you're not cold to her like to everybody else. The way you show vulnerability when she's around."


"Yea, but the think is, why haven't you told her?"

"It's complicated."

"Mr Garcia..if you're not gonna tell her, then i will." He rubbed his thumbs.


"I...like Ms Santini."

"Hey hey kid, do you know what you're talking about right now?" I said.

"Yea, in fact it was love at first sight. And if you are not gonna confess, i'll be taking my chance."

"Kid, she's older than you! "

"So? Age doesn't matter. And I know i can give her the world."

"Uh no you can't. You're just a kid."

"At least I'm not afraid to tell her how i feel. Unlike you."

I had the rage to punch this kid in the face right now. But he's injured and still a soldier here, so i had to control myself. But what is he thinking?

"Tch. Try it then, she won't say yes." I turned my head away in shame.

He didn't respond, but just got up and left the tent.

I cracked my knuckles in annoyance. Him? Confess to Santini? No way.

I went to check on her and she was still sleeping. I gritted my teeth in anger and annoyance.

No one can have you except me.

I clenched my fists and looked at Alexandro who was sitting on a log and drinking some water.

You can't have her. No one can

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