2. Party

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Carmen's POV

2 weeks have past and I have to say we have officially settled down. Kiara and I were coincidentally dorm mates and we were both delighted. It's like fate ya know?

And we have recently been invited to our first party as college girls.

And parties are both our things. Well, mostly Kiara's. Cos why?

She's rummaging through my closet right now.

"How on fucking Jesus Christ do you not have a cute outfit?!" She yelled.

"Are you saying my fashion sense sucks?" I raised an eyebrow.

"YES! That's exactly  what I'm saying!"

I sighed and closed my laptop.

"Then what? Do you want me to wear your clothes?"

"Yes. Yes yes yes yes please." She looked at me as if her whole world lit up.

"Fine fine. Help me Kiara."

"You've got it girl!"

And she dashed towards her and made a mess of it again.


3 fucking long hours later...

We have decided on out final look. Well, Kiara did all of the work.

She had picked dresses for us considering "I look way cuter in dress" her style sense.

Though I had to say, her fashion is incredible.

Though I had to say, her fashion is incredible

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^^^^ so ya, this was what we wore

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^^^^ so ya, this was what we wore.

(Note that isn't how I imagine them to look like.)

As we entered the door, it felt like we were the bell of the ball. Every eyes were on us, but more specific, what we were wearing.

"I told you this dress was too formal. " I blushed.

"Shush up. It's perfect." She nudged me.

Kiara went ahead and immediately got us some alcohol. 

"Cheers! To our new friendship and horrible luck in men!" She raised a glass.

I chuckled as I thought of how right she was.


The night was still young and the colourful lights bombed the entire house. Loud exploding music filled the air as everyone topped it off with their laughter and chats. Everywhere had an strong aroma of alcohol and everyone danced through the nights. And don't be surprised if you suddenly caught a guy kissing you out of nowhere. 

Kiara was having the life and she was the life of the party. I enjoyed myself way too much to make up with a random dude on the sofa. It has been too long since I've let loose. 

And the night just continued, and continued, and continued...

The following morning came in a blur, y head was spinning like crazy and I saw Kiara flat on her bed drooling on her pillow with her shoes on. I  looked at what I was wearing a realised I hadn't changed. How did I even get to the dorm?

I woke up slowly and shook Kiara. "5 more minutes.." She mumbled. I sighed as I went to the bathroom to clean. I was filled with the smell of beer and I even almost threw up. I drenched all the sweat and stench from myself and dressed in normal clothes. 

And suddenly, the phone rang



My eyes darkened as I recognized the voice of the caller. I quickly turned to see if Kiara was awake and talked quieter.

"Why are you calling me. " 

"It's nice to hear your voice again. "

"You know damn bloody hell you are the last person in the universe I would like to hear from. What do you want now."

"Calm down. Even if you hate me, we are still related."

"Related my ass. I don't know anyone who is related to me who threatens their own blood."

"Haha, calm down love. It was a one time thing, but look how strong you've became."

"One sentence out of topic, i will personally murder you myself."

"Alright alright. Damn you've become feisty. "


"Ok ok! Fine! I have recently heard the government had released a high-end prisoner and let him go to school."

"What? That sounds so weird. "

"Weird or not, its true. And they have contacted me, telling me to kill him at any chances possible. Reward would be 300 million dollars."

"Ok, and so?"

"I want you to do it."

"What?! No!"

"Carmen, you are the world's best assassin and a heck of a hottie! Why not?"

"For once, i wanna live my life as a normal college girl. Isn't that reason enough?"

"No, because ever since you killed your own father, your life can never turn back normal again. Don't forget who bailed you out of imprisonment for life. You are doing this job, whether you like it or not."

"Do I get  that 300 million?"

"150 million. "

"200 million."

"Fine. "

"When does this have to be done."

"Anytime. But his imprisonment ends in a year and by then, it'll be too late as he is out of grasp from the government. "

"Ok. But once I've done this, never ever contact me again. "

"No promises my love. I'll send you the details tomorrow. "


And he hung up on me, great. I walked towards Kiara, and screamed at her ear, "Party in the USA!!!!!!!"

"I NEED TO PACK!" She yelled. 

But as soon as she woke up, I bet she could just hear my laughter loudly, 


"Oh it was funny alright. " I wiped my tears away. 

If I told Kiara what I was gonna to be needed to do in a few days, I wonder  if she'll still accept me as me...

Well, guess we'll never know. 

Tomorrow, something big is gonna happen. And i can't wait. 

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