48. Tori

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Julios' POV 

She was crying. 

I knew. 

She was crying. 

But what could I do? I was her enemy now. 

I sat up from my bed and rubbed my head. Ugh why did I have to tell her I knew..? Now our relationship is bound to go down from now. 

I rolled my eyes and tried to slap that thought away. Go away you stupid love arrow jeez. 

Just as I got up, Kleo had came inside with a cup of water. 

"What is she doing here Kleo?" I shook my head in disappointment. 

"Well, I offered her a contract to make her your permanent secretary." 

"You did what?!" 

"Mr Black, forgive my rudeness, but that lady is very efficient with her work and can keep up with your pace at work. She is very flexible with the different schedule and she is able to build a good relationship with you. So I do believe that she will bring benefits to you, and ultimately, the whole company. So please refrain from letting your personally feelings get the best of you. This affects Black Corporations." 

I sighed in defeat. "Yes yes, company's benefits. Alright." I shoved him off. 

He remained silent for awhile, as if debating if he should say it out loud or not. 

 I looked up at him with a confused expression.

"Actually Mr Black, maybe its also because you have a good relationship with her. " He shifted his glasses.

I rolled my eyes and took the water he was still holding. 

"So what's the agenda for today?" I asked. 

"The same busy day as per usual. But i told Ms Castro she can have the day off." 

"Abusing my authority are you now?" I smirked. 

He took a deep breath and shook his head, saying that if he were in my shoes, he wouldn't want to see her for awhile.

Honestly I can't say he's wrong. It's just that.. because of just now, made me feel...uneasy. 

I turned back to look at Kleo with a look of realisation. 

"No, don't give her a day off. She's coming with us to our company. From now on, she's never leaving my side." 




Carmen's POV 

I laid back on the only chair inside the spare bedroom. To be honest, the room was very tidy for a place i'm sure is rarely used. 

As I stared into black space, thinking about a new plan once more when, I heard a loud bell ring. 

"Either that's the sound of fresh food cooked, orrrrr, Julios has a guest." I smirked. 

I opened the door and saw him already at the door. He looked at the security camera to check who was it, and i swore i saw him roll his eye. He looked upwards to look at me. I simply leaned on the bars and smiled at him. 

He communicated with his eyes, telling me to get back inside. 

I shook my head and stuck out my tongue at him. 

He grumbled as he reluctantly opened the door. 

And the first sentence i heard was a high pitch voice going somewhat like, "JULIOSS, MY BABYYY!! I missed you sooooo muchhhh!!!" 

A blonde lady with her insane high heel pumps dashed up towards Julios and gave him a kiss. 

God i think i almost gagged. 

He desperately tried to get her off of him but to avail. She let go of Julios and asked excitedly, "So so, did you miss me?? Because I did!! Ugh i wish I never had to leave Mexico for 2 months. Tsk my daddy needed me at his speech conference. Poor baby, you must've missed me." 

"Ah...yea I did." He sounded so dead. 

She giggled as her eyes suddenly took a sharp turn towards my direction.

Honestly I was no fazed by her sudden glare, but shocked at the huge ass amount of makeup on her face. How many layers of foundation was that girl??

"A guest?" She asked. 

Hm, maybe i should have some fun while I'm at it. Julios knows my real identity anyways. 

"Nah, girlfriend." I waved. 

She seemed surprised at my reply and spun her head back to Julios. He looked at me as if he wanted to murder me. Hilarious if you asked me haha. 

"Well baby, if you excuse me, I'm going to take a shower. I forgot my clothes at home, you don't mind me using yours right?" I winked. 

I saw him stunned, and quickly turned his head away. 

"N-not at all." He replied. 

I nodded my head and faced my direction at the new bitch. Definitely Amelia version 2. "See you around, "guest"." I blew a kiss and walked downstairs to his room. 

Julios' POV 

Gosh the way she winked at me just now, please don't tell me i'm blushing right now -/////- 


My thoughts of her was suddenly overshadowed by the woman standing in front of me. 

"What was the meaning of that?" 

Should I maybe play along with Elen- I mean, Carmen? That could probably get this bitch here out of here. 

"You heard her. She's my girlfriend." 

"Julios! She looks so young! How can you be dating her?" She exclaimed.

"Age doesn't matter if we love each other." 

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Ok? How long has it been?"  

"..a month?" I answered. 

She simply shrugged her shoulders and walked away and into the kitchen. 

"You're staying?" I asked as i followed her into the kitchen. 

"For awhile." She said as she poured a cup of coffee. 

"So you're staying in Mexico for awhile?" 

"Yea. So let's do some catching up. Tonight at 8, Falcons Hotel." 


"Great! I have things to talk about with you. And that includes that lil bitch I have to fight with." She smiled. 

Gosh. Guess I did make the wrong decision. This is not going to be pretty...

Tori Bailey, what do you plan to do now...

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