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Hiii, it has been like, 5 months? I'm so sorry lol. So uhm, you may have already read the previous chapter and I know I said I was going to write After chapters but honestly I have lost inspiration for this story. Not because I hate it, but because I thought the ending was fine by itself. Plus, I have been writing two brand new stories simultaneously. Hence, I wanted to end my previous stories to start fresh again. 

My way of writing stories was to write 70% of the chapter before publishing so that I won't feel pressured to publish a new chapter. It's the same for Psycho. Hence, I apologize but this story has officially ended :) 

Sorry for getting your hopes up and I kinda doubt tons of people really wanted to see the After chapters lol. Anyways, my national exam is over hahaha and I did decently well so yeah! I'll be starting school in April but inspiration has been coming to me for the two stories so expect a new story to come out haha. My Rogue Mate will be updated when I can and I may archive a few stories too to revamp. 

Updating this story has been haunting me cuz I promised you guys chapters but never posted so I really wanted to write but I just keep getting writer's block for this story... Sorry guys

But Psycho has been a joy to write and I really liked how different my writing in this story was to other stories. So thank you so much for reading Psycho and supporting me :D don't forget to vote and comment what you thought of this story too! :) byeee

Btw, I wanted to add this at the end of the chapter but couldn't fit it hahahah. So uhhhh, I'll just put it here for memory as i don't wanna delete it. 




End the story, "let's conquer the world together love." Brian smiled as he held my hand. I gripped his tightly in response and nodded. "You and me."

Another brainstorm: Our killing days may be over because of this little kiddo (IDK IF HV BABY) but the spirit and thrill of it will forever live inside us till the day we die.
Now..I wonder how (name of kid) *Zacharias* I like this name :) nickname Kiara gave "Zach/zachy" will react if he (yesh it'll be a boy) knew his parents were once serial killers *chuckles*

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