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That whole fight was anticlimactic.

First I was fighting a dragon, thinking it would kill Hoseok and the next moment, Hoseok and the dragon act all chummy.

It's beyond weird but if I let that stop me every time I saw something weird, I would never get anywhere. I am living in the era of magic, royalty and odd creatures that should most probably never exist in the first place. Of course I'm going to see weird shit.

"I'm sure he'll allow you to climb on" Hoseok grins at me.

I have came to the overwhelming conclusion that this guy is way too naive.

Being naive has its pros and cons but this, in my eyes, is definitely a con.

"No thank you" I quickly deny. The dragon looks chuffed at this. I slightly glare at the beast. I absolutely do not trust this thing.

"It's perfectly safe" Hoseok tries to reassure me.
"My guy, take a moment to step back and reevaluate the situation" I say with wide eyes to try and make him understand.
"I did. I know him for years and I know he will never hurt me" Hoseok says with complete faith.

The dragon puffs out it's chest.

"Then why didn't you befriend it earlier? Why now?" I counter.
"I think I earned its respect" Hoseok says proudly.

My eyes widen at that possibility.

That really could be the reason. The dragon doesn't see Hoseok as treasure anymore but as an equal and that's saying something from a dragon.

"Hoseok, you earned more than its respect. You earned its trust" I say, eyeing the dragon in a different way.

I'll still be cautious but now I know it won't hurt Hoseok.

"Cool" Hoseok grins at the dragon. The dragon's pupils dilate when he sees Hoseok.

I guess I have my answer now.

"Man! I wish I knew that earlier" Hoseok says as he messes up his hair. He stops and looks at me with messy hair.

"Let's get out of here" Hoseok grins. He climbs on the dragon and gives me a hand.

I look at his hand and at the dragon.

I'm not sure if this is a smart decision but I reluctantly take his hand and he pulls me on the dragon with him.

The dragon immediately takes to the sky. I grip onto Hoseok, fearing for my life.

If I fall now, it's game over. I would be in my green dwarf form so my normal form won't be able to save me.

Hoseok tries to take control of the dragon but it's not listening. It continues to do spirals and starts to free fall from a considerate height.

Hoseok joins my screaming and the dragon finally stops at Hoseok's screams. We are both huffing while the dragon peacefully glides through the sky.

"See, not so bad" Hoseok huffs out as he awkwardly laughs.
"Right" I say as I dig my forehead in his back, trying to catch my breath.

"You can just drop me off" I say once I caught my breath.
"...I thought...that we-aren't we-" Hoseok continues to make no sense.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask, saving him from his jumbled words.
"Wherever you're going" he says over his shoulder.

"I'm going to the kingdom of Chateau. You can join me" I say, a smile growing on my face.

I like Hoseok. I like his personality and I already promised him that we can be ugly together.

And it would be nice to have someone by my side.

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