The final moments

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Back to (Y/N)'s point of view:


Seokjin's ending:

I couldn't think clearly.

But what-or rather who-I was thinking about was Jin.

"Seokjin" I weakly huff out, my body paining.

"I'm here" I hear his voice weakly say. I feel his warm gentle hand cup my cheek. I could only focus in on his face.

"You're going to be fine. You're going to be fine" he says, sounding pained.

I could only think about all my moments with him. Happy moments.

"I wish...I spent more time with you" I say, trying to catch my breath.
"It's ok. We'll spend more time together" I see his sad smile.

I gently smile.

"Jin, you're the most beautiful person in the world" I smile, trying to keep my eyes open, but ended up closing them.

(Seokjin gently kisses (Y/N).)

Yoongi's ending:

Yoongi's point of view:

I felt dazed when I woke up, but someone shouted (Y/N)'s name and I needed to find her.

Jungkook and Taehyung were crouching next to her, her head resting in Taehyung's hands.

I locked eyes with her. She was on the floor.

I felt a lump in my throat as I saw the blood surrounding her.

"Yoongi" she chokes out and I rush to her, slightly falling over my feet.

"This is nothing" I say, pressing down on her fatal wounds.

"Get help!" I yell to the others and turn back to her.

She looked dazed while looking at me.

Tears were threatening to fall, but I forced myself not to cry. Instead, I basically glared at her.

"Don't look angry" she smiles, almost laughing.

My face softened.

"You'll get help soon" I tell her.

"Yoongi, you're the most beautiful person in the world" she slowly tells me, getting quieter with every word as she struggles to keep her eyes open.
"Keep your eyes open" my heart drops at the sight and her eyes shut.

I drop to her, my forehead against hers.

I place a gentle kiss on her lips, sadly looking at her as I pull away.

"We need help!"

Hoseok's ending:

Hoseok's point of view:

It was supposed to be another normal day with Flynn, but it felt off. No one was around, there were echoes of shouting and when I checked where it came from-it would instantly disappear while no one was around.

Then I 'woke up'. It took me a second to realise where I was.

Was it all a dream?

It felt too real.

I was standing in the middle of a room. The ground was split in half. The roof fell in. Debris was everywhere.

But what caught my attention was everyone standing/crouching around something.

I walk closer, scared of what it could be. My heart drops when I see a pale (Y/N), bleeding out.

She was huffing, looking at everyone in a daze while they try to say comforting things, trying to help her wound.

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