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I had to look under every rock to find a restaurant that was polite enough to serve me.

I enjoy my meal, looking out into the Kingdom. It truly is a beautiful kingdom.

Speaking of beautiful, I wonder what happened to that bunny girl.

To my luck, I see her jump a building to the next instead of walking on the road like a normal person.

You know, the one meant for people.

I was currently sipping on the last of my drink, having already paid the restaurant when I finally see Hoseok.

I wave him over with a smile.

Hoseok catches my eye and walks over to me with a concealed stranger, most probably Prince Yoongi judging by his size.

"Hey, we were just looking for you" Hoseok says as they arrived at my table.
"I had to meet the er-person that saved him" Prince Yoongi says.

"She didn't save me" Hoseok whines.
"Team effort" I say with a fist in the air. Prince Yoongi snickers.

"And I'm sure he already rewarded you" Prince Yoongi says.
"Actually, he didn't" I say with a grin, turning to Hoseok. I know exactly what I want.

"Fix it" Prince Yoongi says as he shoves Hoseok in my direction.

"It's all good. He's already helping me with something else, right Hoseok?" I tell him. I never really expected a reward from Hoseok.
"Yip, yip" he happily chirps.

"Anyway, Yoongi here, is going to host a party" Hoseok says as he nudges Prince Yoongi.
"You're welcomed to come" Prince Yoongi says with an indifferent voice.

"This can be your chance to find him" Hoseok says with hopeful eyes.
"Then if you don't mind" I tell Prince Yoongi with a slight smile.

"This will be so much fun" Hoseok excitedly says.

The party really wasn't all the fun.

I was too short to properly dance. People kept stepping on me or their puffy dresses would suffocate me to death.

I couldn't even mingle since people simply walked away whenever I neared.

I felt defeated that I couldn't enjoy a party like I normally would. Dancing the night away with one stranger to the next. Feeling like I'm the prettiest one there. Having all the confidence in the world.

Now I'm short, green and ugly.

When I discovered that the world was a lot harsher, my self-esteem plummeted, but fake it till you make it.

But I can definitely not get through this party.

I take a break outside, it being dark enough that even I can't see myself.

Prince Yoongi was kind enough to send dresses, kiddy dresses mind you, but unfortunately I couldn't fit.

Again, my clothes shrink with my person whenever someone looks at me.

So I'm still wearing today's clothes.

I lean against a pillar, facing the party. I watch Hoseok mingle with a ton of people, wearing a fancy suit.

I don't think people will believe him if he said he was a prince, much less the prince from Corona.

The world is just cruel this way. It's always the beautiful people being painted while the rest are the painters, never in the spotlight.

It should be especially difficult for royalty if you don't meet societies expectations.

I see Hoseok approaching and I pretend to enjoy the party.

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