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Still Jungkook's point of view:

I quietly sit, looking down.

The atmosphere was icy.

"...I said I'm sorry" I say again.
"I'm just disappointed" Father says and Sebastian smugly nods.

I glare at him.

Oh come on. I know you're happy.

But I quickly stop before Father catches me.

"I'm sure it was amazing" I try to lift the mood.
"That wasn't the point" Father sternly says and I look down again.

"...My got destroyed" I quietly say.

Father slowly turns to a gentle expression.

Father sighs.

"What were you doing out the palace?" Father asks.
"A whole ship sunk this time" I say and Father tiredly sighs, burying his face in his free hand, rubbing his eyes.

"Jungkook..." he tiredly breathes.

"It's getting worse and they're getting closer" I say.
"We'll be fine" Father sternly says.

"You can do something about it" I say.
"I am not having this conversation again-"
"That trident is the tool. It has so much power" I get bold to test my theory, examining his reaction.

He freezes a little and I almost couldn't breathe at the fact that he can control the entire ocean.

Meaning he's been the one causing the rough seas.

"What are you talking about?" he snaps at me.
"You've been lying to me."
"You've been causing the shipwrecks."

Father looks really angry this time.

"Leave us!" Father screams at a frozen Sebastian. He is quick to scurry away.

"You can control what's happening" I lowly say.

Father strongly grips onto his trident as he storms off on me.

This was the first time I truly feared Father, but I stood my ground. I held my ground as he stared at me with a dark expression.

He grips my arm, pulling me to him.

I was about to pull away, ready to tell him that was hurting me until he does something unexpected.

The trident, the one that doesn't even allow us to touch, is shoved into my hand.

The moment it's in my grip, I can feel the entire ocean's energy and life. Everything from the tiniest organism to the biggest of waves.

I snapped out of it by the clang of metal against the floor. I look down to see that I dropped it.

I was still trying to catch my breath as Father spoke to me.

"It's a balance. A balance that I need to protect. Sometimes life is cruel and takes away and sometimes it's used to protect others" Father says, picking up the trident, swimming up to me again.

He points the trident towards the wall and a strong energy is emitted from the trident, like lightning. The entire wall collapsed, sand spreading fast.

I didn't know it could do something like this.

It looked like the image on the stone.

"The responsibility is big and my decisions are difficult to make, but it needs to be done. Humans are cruel beings who destroy life at any chance they get" Father calmly states.

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