Walk Like You.

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Still third point perspective:

Jungkook was beyond happy with his father's reaction.

But he was a bit scared of what (Y/N) would do to him. He didn't necessarily discuss this with her.

He just badly wanted to show her off to his father.

"Judging from your reaction, I'm guessing you don't know. Don't worry-Jungkook loves to jump in head first" his father gleefully laughs, causing Jungkook to frown while the others ease up.

(Y/N) awkwardly laughs.

"Very true" she grinds her teeth, punching Jungkook.

"Ok-an informal introduction. I am King Triton, ruler of the seas. Also Jungkook's father" the merman says, his face falling back to neutral.

"This is Prince Min, Prince Park and Prince-what's your surname Hoseok?" Jungkook introduces but turns to Hoseok.
"You're supposed to address them by their titles. How did I raise you?" his father tiredly sighs.

"Oh, we're friends" Hoseok smiles.
"How could you not know his surname?" Namjoon judges him hardcore.

"This is Namjoon and he's a peasant" Jimin introduces him.
"Technically-yes" Namjoon nods, holding out his hand to the merman and instantly regrets his decision when the king looks at his hand.

Contrary to the king's unimpressed expression, he shakes Namjoon's hand.

"Humans are quite touchy, aren't they?" the king comments to his son.
"It's a common greeting" Jungkook says.

Namjoon kept his frown to himself.
'How am I more touchy than Jungkook? There's no way.'

"And this is Taehyung" Jungkook manages to introduce everyone.

"And this beast?" the king asks, looking at the dragon who stared back with curiosity.
"It's a creature that flies. It's name is J-hope" Jungkook says.

No one wanted to clarify that it was a dragon.

"Ok-shall we go?" the king says.

"Um-father, can we talk in private?" Jungkook says and sinks into the water.

Hoseok quickly dunks his arm into the water to pull Jungkook up.

"I'm fine" Jungkook laughs as he comes up and sinks again when Hoseok lets him go.

Hoseok's sleeves were completely drenched.

"That gave me a mini heart attack" Hoseok sheepishly laughs.

The dragon and carpet gain more air, making a bit of distance from the water.

"Fair enough-the kid does things without warning" Jimin shakes his head.

"You don't think the ocean will explode if Jungkook says something wrong, right?" (Y/N) looks around for reassurance.
"I mean-the tsunami was huge. Plus the lightning-Jungkook did not mention he could do that" Namjoon says.

"Don't rely on Jungkook for info" Jimin says.
"Necessary information" Namjoon adds on for Jimin and he nods.

"But real talk-how's Jungkook going to go back home since he's human and all?" Taehyung asks, having the weirdest time.

He thought he was a little odd because he talked to animals, but dragons, flying carpets, genies, mermaids-it's an odd time.

Not to mention the motion sickness he experienced. Luckily he wasn't the only one as Namjoon also seemed to be the same.

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