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The Queen wasn't lying when they said they would organise a feast.

Food covered the huge table. The King, Queen and our group was seated at the table, among with a few high nobles. The King was absolutely bragging about his amazing son and how the kingdom would soon have the perfect Queen for the perfect King, leaving the king's close friends guessing who the saviour is.

Hoseok just smiles through it, not saying much.

Jimin and I haven't broken the news to the others about his fiancé yet.

My heart felt like it was being squeezed dry at the thought of Jimin's fiancé.

She's probably beautiful.

Not like I have a right to be upset.

...There goes another single beautiful man.

"You seem deep in thought" Yoongi says, not engaging much at the higher end conversations with the other royals.

"A little bit. I feel a little confused" I admit, feeling small for this table. And chair.
"Confused about what?" Yoongi continues.

I press my lips in a line.

"I can't quite understand how I feel. I think I feel this way, but then I feel this way, but then I do a u-turn, you know?" I look to him. He takes a deep sigh.
"Surprisingly, I understand" he nods.

"And what's on your mind?" I decide to ask.
"Too many things."

"By the way, is it just me or does Taehyung look different. Did he cut his hair or something?" Yoongi asks.
"His hair-what-no. His appearance changed. I'm not entirely sure why though" I inform him.

"You seriously thought he cut his hair?" I ask in disbelief.
"Well yeah-I dunno" Yoongi nonchalantly says with a shrug.

"Ever thought about becoming a princess?" Jungkook asks, shifting closer to us.
"Never gave it much thought" Yoongi tiredly says.
"That was kind of funny" Jungkook admits, smiling and nodding.

"I'm a funny guy" Yoongi says with a straight face.
"That's new" Jungkook scoffs with a smile.

I zoned out a bit during their conversation.

I was thinking about the training-of what I should do if I under or overestimated them.

Then I thought about Jimin's fiancé.

I should make a good impression. Have a one on one talk-girl talk.

Yeah-girl talk.

...Would she consider me a girl?

My eyes land on Jimin again.

I wonder if he considers me as a girl or person...

I look over the other handsome people sitting around the table.

I wonder if any of them do.

"The mindless eating is very interesting to watch. Usually a person just stares into space" Namjoon says, sitting across from me.

I noticed that I was indeed still eating.

"It's called stress eating" I defend myself.
"I know what stress eating looks like" Namjoon says, not fully buying my explanation.

"What are you stressed about? The training?" Namjoon asks.

He really is boyfriend material.

"I'm kind of excited. See what you guys are capable of" I say with a slight smile.
"Prepared to be unimpressed-with me at least. Not sure about these unusual weirdos" Namjoon says with a hint of disgust on his face.
"You're an unusual weirdo yourself" I comment.

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