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Back to (Y/N)'s point of view:

After lunch, we try to go shopping. Try.

The group attracted way too much attention and with an image obsessed kingdom, it was difficult to shop normally.

Taehyung and I manage to break away from the group to peacefully enjoy shopping.

He seemed hesitant to enter the shops. Granted, it looks so fancy that if you break a hanger it would cost you your life's savings.

I wonder if that's what he's worried about...

"I've heard good things about this place" I lie, dragging him into a random store that doesn't look that fancy.

"This blue matches well with you" I find a beautiful blend of dark blue, holding it against Taehyung.
"You think? I think it would look good on you" he sheepishly says.

"Green and blue? I don't think that works" I laugh.
"I think it does. The darker colours works well on you" he says with a slight smile.

"Well-it doesn't matter anyway. My clothes shrink to this dwarf size so smaller sizes won't fit me" I explain.

"Oh~what about this?" I spot a pastel blue that seemed to glimmer in the light.

"Excuse me. Is there anything I can help you with?" the sales lady asks, looking down on me.
"We-we should go" Taehyung tells me, ready to leave.

"We're browsing. How strong is this material?" I ask, holding out the pastel blue.
"A sword will still be able to cut it, but it's durable" she says, defiantly using the right words with me.

I nod, examine the fabric, feeling the material under my rough hands.

"Has anything caught your eye, Taehyung?" I ask, turning back to an almost shaking Taehyung.
"I-I'll look around" he says, flustered, leaving to look through the different samples.

He really is an introvert, isn't he?

"I'll take a roll of this" I tell the sales lady.

When paying, I requested they take it to the palace. Might as well surprise Taehyung.

"It's a shame you didn't find anything. Mind if we look through a few more stores though? I want to get a gift for a friend" I explain after we've looked through a few fabric stores.
"Of course. Anything specific they might like?" Taehyung asks.

"I'm not sure. Maybe a brooch-something pretty" I say, thinking it should somewhat look good against his handsome face.
"I'm sure they have something" Taehyung offers a warm smile so we continue shopping, continuing to receive odd looks.

We both didn't go into the highly fancy looking stores. Mostly because of their insane prices, but I'm pretty sure we'd be chased away.

But we traveled further down into more of a market type of place. Still fancier than a normal market, but I can at least haggle.

My friends, knights and fellow heroes are always embarrassed to shop with me because I can go a little overboard with the haggling.

"What about this?" Taehyung asks, pointing at a necklace.
"A necklace for your mother?" the sales lady holds the necklace closer to him.

"It does look nice" I think about it as I look at the necklace. The delicate style might look nice on Jin.

I doubt he'd wear it.

Especially since he's a king now.

"But maybe something a bit more low-key" I say, dragging Taehyung with me because this lady looked overly eager to overprice the necklace.

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