Like you.

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"Hoseok found him passed out in the hallway" Jin fills Taehyung and I in as we speed walk to wherever Jin's going.
"I was just with him" I say, not remembering anything unusual.

"At first Hoseok thought he was just exhausted, but it's not that" he says.

"He's-" he was going to continue, but we open the doors to where Namjoon is instead and it speaks for itself.

He's beautiful again...

"-back to normal. The genie doesn't know what's going on" Jimin finishes Jin's sentence.

"This deals with his curse and he made a deal with Facilier" I solemnly say, wanting to smack Namjoon to make him less than attractive again.

What could've happened?

"I'm going to Facilier. Can't the genie make me normal again? Just for a day?" I ask, more to Jimin, knowing the genie can hear me.
"No can do, sweetheart. It really was a one-time thing" the genie poofs as a small person next to me.

I would've been offended if I wasn't thinking of Namjoon.

I give him a 'should I ask?' look.

"You don't wanna know" he simply says, shaking his head.

He then changes into a blue cat and jumps onto my shoulders.

"But we know where he is so let's go" he says and poofs me back to the cliffs. Only the two of us.

"He won't be here. He'll regroup at his shop" I tell the cat.

I know Facilier's moves. He wouldn't pack up shop either cause it's too much work and too many rare items to move. Plus his shop's position is one of the hotspots to the other side.

The genie and I teleport to the front of his shop.

I get my talisman ready and quietly open the door.

"Didn't barge in like a bull, like usual?" Facilier lazily asks, swinging in his hammock higher up the building.

He's usually elegant and proper in front of others, but in actual fact he's a total sloth. Most of his enemies know that-when he slips up big time that is. And he doesn't replace his image either.

"Just tell me what you did to Namjoon" I tell him, looking up at the lazy man.
"Why don't you switch it up a bit and blame your misfortune on someone else" he tiredly says, giving about two shits in the world.

"It's always you. Wake Namjoon up or I'll break this" I threaten using one of his millions of things stuffed into his tiny store.
"Go ahead. You break it, you pay it" he simply says.

"Come on, man. For old time's sake" I frown.
"Oh yeah. Cause getting my life's plans ruined by some teenage girl is 'old times'" he grumbles.

So dramatic.

"Tell me how you tricked Namjoon" I say, noticing I'm not getting anywhere.
"He's the one who broke contract" I hear Facilier get a tad bit angry.
"How?" I almost snap.

He sighs, swinging back and forth in his hammock.

"I'll tell you if you give me your right arm" his deep voice echos through the store.
"No. Just tell me" I refuse.

"Or you give yourself up to hades. Then I'll release the spell over that boy" Facilier says, peering over the hammock with his glowing green eyes.

"Don't tell me you're working for him now" I say, annoyed. That might cause a real issue in the future.
"That's on a need to know bases and you do not need to know" he says.

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