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"Mademoiselle, are you alright?", asks Francois. Sana tries to smile meekly and nods her head. Francois then asks, "You are looking magnifique (stunning )tonight." "Merci! (thank you)", answers Sana. Swaying slowly to slow music, he asks again, "So you and Rishab are a couple. Arr.. I mean you both together." Sana stares in his small yet sharp eyes, "Hmm.. we are.. Yes. we are together." She looks around, her eyes searching for Rishab. But there is still no sign of him. Andre is busy in some conversation with the blonde Russian woman Natasha in between the dance. She laughs as he whispers something in her ears.

Francois whispers in her ears, "Mademoiselle, are you not interested in dancing?" Sana comes back to reality and says, "No nothing like that. I was just watching them dancing. That's all. " He asks, "Hmm.. So what do you like? Do you like paintings? I have the best collection of paintings from great painters." "Hmm..Actually I don't have much idea about that." "Interesting. Your boyfriend is an art dealer and you have no interest in them. Doesn't he talk about them?" Sana now realizes that Rishab could be an art dealer that's why he had so much knowledge about paintings. She says, "Yes he does. But that doesn't mean, I will develop interest in them. I love music."

"Music! Interesting..", he says,"Come let me show you something."
He puts her hand at her back and escorts her to the adjoining room. He takes her through it to the outside hall. He led her towards the stairs, by holding her hand. They enter the first room on the top of the stairs. It is a music room with a huge piano at the centre. There are paintings of great musicians on the wall. Below these paintings at one side lies few other musical instruments like fiddles, banjo and an accordion. At one side lies a huge harp and on one wall is a floor to ceiling built-in open shelf with vinyl records. At the centre of the shelf is an antique gramophone.

François says, "Welcome to my music room. Hope you like my humble collection." Sana looks around with surprise, she goes near the piano and runs her fingers over the black and white keys. "Wow! A room only for music! It's..amazing.." François says,"So you liked it then? Happy to know. Do you play anything?" She replies without looking at him, "Yes. I know how to play piano. And also violin." François says, "Then I insist you play little for me.." Sana sits down in front of it and starts playing a tune she knew. After she finishes, Fraçois claps his hands,"Bravo! Play some more." Sana stands up and says,"Some other time. We must return to the party now. Rishab will be looking for me and Natasha too." He laughs,"No one is looking for me. Why should she?" "Isn't she your girlfriend?", Sana asks.

François laughs, "Who Natasha? My girlfriend?" Still smiling he says,"You are really very innocent. I have a beautiful wife and three handsome children at my home in Marseille. Natasha, she is just a guest here. I welcome some charming people to my houses all over the world for vacation. You are most welcome too. " He takes a step towards her, "You know I wanted you to come with me to Barcelona. I am going tomorrow. I have a villa there. You can have a great time there." Sana moves backwards towards the entry door, "Th..ank you..but I don't think I can join you.." François takes a few steps towards her,"Please come with me as my guest. I will be honoured to have such a gorgeous company." Sana gulps down saliva and says, "N..oo.. I don't t..think I can..thank you..any..ways.. I should go. R..Rishab must be waiting for me.. "

François comes closer and smiles at her, "Mademoiselle, why are you getting scared?" He holds her wrist and says,"Rishab has brought you here to make me happy so that he can get the deal from me. Didn't he tell you that?" Sana felt like she had been struck by lightning. She can never believe Rishab could do something like that. But how much does she know him? Now everything makes sense. Him asking her to come to Paris with him, bringing her to this party and then suddenly disappearing. "No.. I don't trust you.. He can't..", the words finally escape out of her mouth. François gives a devilish smile and pulls her closer, "We will have a great time darling..Don't stress yourself." He puts her hand on her waist.

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