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"I will go..Why?.. I don't think it is the right thing to do.. But I still feel it is not right.. You know the risks... I don't care.......But...... Okay Fine.. Just keep your eyes on him.. I will call you after reaching there.. "

It has been raining heavily from the morning. Rishab is sitting on his desk writing something when he hears a knock on the door. He stops writing and puts the notebook inside his backpack. Closing the wardrobe, he goes to the door and opens it. Sana is standing at the door. He smiles looking at her as she asks,"If it is okay with you, would you like to have a tea party with me?" Rishab replies,"Marte huye toh poochte hain, janat ja falsafa; Hum toh jehenum bhi chalejayein, aap ke ek ishare par.." Sana exclaims,"Wow! You are a poet! Is this your shayeri?" Rishab shakes his head and says,"No. This is not my poem. It is written by an anonymous poet in a book I read..Love to fall in love with you." "Still you are into poetries..Nice!", she smiles as she says.

Rishab and Sana sit on the chair in his room, sipping hot tea and pakoras. Rishab says,"Hot pakoras and tea is a deadly combination in this weather. You know I really wanted a cup of hot tea. Do you know telepathy?" He winks at her saying that. Sana smiles back at him,"Actually our bond, our friendship started with our love for ginger tea. So you see I can understand when you want to have it." She starts to laugh as she says and he is lost in those twinkling eyes. So innocent is the laugh, just like a young kid. What should he do? Is he doing the right thing by involving her into his life? His thoughts are broken by her question, "Where are you lost?" Rishab shakes his head and says nothing.

The lodge is vacant now except the three souls, Sana, Rishab and Madame Camille. So it has become a routine now for three of them to have dinner together. A delicious plate of chicken confit with vegetables and potato mash is the dinner that night prepared by the cook Arielle. Along with dinner, Rishab cracks jokes, some of them are really poor but that does not stop the old lady to laugh as hard as she could. Sana is laughing too, not at the jokes but looking at the way the old lady is laughing.

Camille now tired of laughing, she says,"Tu es un garçon fou.(You are a crazy boy.)" Rishab smiles and says,"I will take this as a compliment. I am happy to make you ladies laugh and entertain just anytime.." Camille wipes her mouth with the napkin and says,"You are really a .. what you say.. a charmer.." Sana looks at him and smiles, thinking, 'Indeed he is..'

After their dinner is over, Camille sits with a cup of coffee while the other two sit to chat with her. She usually talks about her life when she was young. That night she talks about her grandson who stays in a village few miles away. He works at a farm there and lives with his wife and a toddler. The phone suddenly rings and before Sana could get up to receive it, Camille stops her and goes instead. After a few minutes, she returns with a worried look on her face. Her grandson has met an accident and she needs to visit him in the morning and probably stay there for a few days.

Camille says as she leaves to retire in her room,"I will ask Arielle to stay the nights till I return." Sana with a worried look replies,"You know her husband will not allow her to stay here. You.. don't worry. I can stay here and I am not alone.. Rishab will be here.. so.." Camille is like her own grandmother, she is worried to leave her behind alone with an unknown man. Sana puts her hand on her assuring her, there is nothing to worry about.

Sana is in her room, reading a book when she hears a knock. Putting her coat over, she opens the door to find Rishab standing. Surprised to find him at this hour, she asks,"Is everything all right?" Rishab looks at her and says,"Can we talk inside? It's actually freezing here." Sana bites her tongue and asks him to come inside. Rubbing his arm, Rishab sits down in the chair in front of the fire, trying to warm his hands.

He looks around the room. Sana's room is smaller than the one Rishab occupies but is far more cosy. There is a bed, a dresser, a wardrobe and a desk at one corner. There are loads of framed photographs of her with probably her parents on the desk. Few soft toys lie scattered on the bed. Rishab smiles looking at them and Sana puts her blanket over them in an attempt to hide them. "Are you here to see my room and laugh at my soft toys collection?", she asks.

"No baby.. nothing like that. Am I intruding your privacy? I can really talk standing outside the room.", he says standing up. Sana smiles at him as he addresses her as baby. It has become a habit for him now. She touches his elbow coming near him,"No. But stop laughing... Tell me what it is?" Rishab thinks for sometime, his face turns serious,"Well..Madame Camille will leave in the morning.. She asked me to look after you." "She worries for me. She has been with us since ages. She is someone I can call my own.", Sana says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Rishab nods his head and says,"I get it. But thing is I need to be in Paris by tomorrow evening." Sana looks at him and then turns away, trying to hide that she is upset. Rishab holds her hand and says,"I have something really urgent.. I can't.." "It is okay. I need to learn to live alone.. I..I can stay alone.. Arielle will be with me all day.. only the nights..",Sana says but stops before completing the sentence. Rishab puts his hand on her cheek and says,"No you don't need to learn to live alone. No.. I came here only to ask if you would like to come with me to Paris." Sana is surprised, she didn't expect this.

Rishab says,"I can't let you stay here all alone. If you consider me as your friend and trust me then please come with me." Sana's eyes are filled with tears. She doesn't know why she wants to cry? Rishab says,"Hey, roh kyun rahi ho?" Sana shakes her head as he pulls her into his arms. "I really don't know.. why.. Yes I trust you.. Thank you for being my friend..", she whispers. Rishab holding her thinks, if she should really thank him for being her friend. He doesn't have an answer to that. But it's fact that he actually cares for her. He couldn't let stay here all alone.

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