Chapter 6

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Adam's POV
I was at work. We had a pretty big case. Alderman Collier's wife was murdered. We have a suspect in the interrogation room, Devin, he keeps telling us he's innocent. We were all sat in the bullpen trying to find a way to get him to confess.

"I've got something," Harper said, making us turn to look at her, "I was looking through his file and I think I might've found a way to get through to him."

She showed hailey the file and they headed into the interrogation room. We all shared confused glances. I went into the viewing room with Voight. Harper and hailey sat either side of the boy.

"So, how old were you when it started?" Harper asked, looking at the boy.

"When what started?" He asked confused.

"The beatings." Hailey answered and I gulped. I don't know if I can listen to this.

"We were 5 when it started," Harper sighed, "Our dad would go out drinking. We would've accidentally made a noise. He would go crazy. We were just kids, we didn't know any better. He would hurt us with anything he could get his hands on: belt, extension cord."

I was disgusted. No one should have to go through this.

"Did you ever think about killing yourself?" The young boy asked looking between both girls. They both sighed. They hesitated before answering.

"Yeah." Harper answered and both Voight and I were shocked.

They had finished interrogating him and we headed back into the bullpen.

"Did he confess?" Kev asked.

"Yeah." I replied. We sat at our desks completing paperwork from the case. I finished mine before everyone else, which happens rarely. I was sat at my desk scrolling through my phone.

"Shit." Harper muttered.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Summer will be finished at school in a minute, but I've still got loads of paperwork." She replied.

"I'll go get her." I offered.

"You don't have to, I can call my brother." She said.

"No it's fine, I've finished with my paperwork anyway," I said, "plus, it's a good reason to stop at McDonald's on the way back."

"Thank you." She said. I smiled at her and left to go get Summer. I headed to Summer's school.

"I'm here for Summer Upton." I said and her teacher came over to me with a crying Summer. I looked at them concerned.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"She's been crying like this for the past 10 minutes. She won't tell me why." The teacher said and I nodded. I picked Summer up and she cried into my chest.

"What's the matter Summer?" I asked and she didn't say anything. I put her in the car and drove to McDonald's. She smiled slightly. We went and sat inside. She was eating her burger.

"Summer, can you tell me why you were upset?" I asked and she looked down.

"It's daddy day at school next week. Everyone is bringing in their daddy and they talk about their jobs. I don't have a daddy." She said and my heart broke. She started to cry again. I brought her over to me and let her cry it out.

She had calmed down after a while and we went to the district. We walked up into the bullpen. As soon as Summer saw Harper, she ran towards her. She hugged her tightly and started crying again.

"What's up?" Harper asked.

"Adam, what did you do?" Jay asked.

"I didn't do anything. She's upset because it's daddy day at school next week. All the dads are going in to talk about their jobs." I said and they all sighed. Harper held Summer for a little while. Summer had stopped crying and she was talking to everyone, making myself chuckle at how mature she is.

"Uncle Kev, what does murder mean?" She asked and we all froze.

"I don't know." He replied.

"Oh, you're dumb." Summer said and we all chuckled.

"Uncle Jay, what's rape?" She asked.

"Where did you learn that word?" Harper asked.

"I heard you and auntie hailey talking about it." She replied.

"I don't know what it means." Hailey said. Summer came over to me.

"Adam, can I draw?" She asked.

"Sure." I said getting out some coloured crayons and paper.

After a while, she showed me the piece of paper.

"I've finished." She said proudly.

"What is it?" Jay asked.

"It's me, Adam, uncle Kev, uncle Jay, auntie Kim, auntie hailey, and momma." She said and I smiled. Everyone went into the break room to get food and coffee apart from hailey and I. I scooted my chair over to her.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked.

"Does Summer not like me?" I asked and she looked confused.

"Why?" She asked.

"It's just, she calls everyone else auntie and uncle, but not me. Does she hate me? Did I do something to upset her?" I asked and hailey smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"She doesn't see you as an uncle." She said and I frowned.

"So I did do something to upset her." I said.

"No you didn't. She doesn't see you as an uncle, she sees you as a father figure." She said and I looked confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Okay, a few weeks ago, I was at Harper's house and Summer randomly said, 'can Adam be my daddy?' Harper spit her drink out everywhere. She sees you as a dad Adam. You didn't get this from me, but Harper likes you." She said and I was shocked.

"I know you like her too. If you decide to make a move, don't hurt her." She said and I was speechless.

"Harper doesn't like me." I said.

"Yes she does." She replied.

"I'm not going to make a move, I will just embarrass myself." I said.

"So what? You like her, you go for it." She said.

"But it's not just about her, there's Summer to think about as well." I said, concerned that the child won't like me.

"It's like we are going in circles. I've already told you Summer doesn't hate you." She said and I nodded.

"What shall I do?" I asked.

"Just ask her out. Do something casual. She doesn't like restaurants." She said and I nodded.

"One more thing, she probably won't like that I'm telling you this, but you should know. You have to promise not to tell anyone." She said and I looked at her confused.

"Of course I won't tell anyone." I promised.

"Harper hasn't had sex since the rape. Every time she has gone to, she has had a panic attack." She said and I nodded. I felt so bad. Harper was hurt so bad that something that should be enjoyable, now scares her.

"Don't look at her differently. Don't be an ass about it." She said.

"I would never." I said and she nodded.

"Good, now go away because she is coming." She said and I quickly moved back over to my desk. I started to think of date ideas.

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