Chapter 9

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Adam's POV
Harper and I have been getting closer the past few days. She is really fragile and anxious, which I completely understand. I stayed the night last night. I woke up and heard a crying noise. I rolled over to see Harper still asleep. I nudged her slightly. She woke up and looked at me confused.

"Can you hear that?" I asked and she nodded. She got up and went towards Summer's room. After a few minutes, she came back and laid in bed.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Summer is getting dressed now. She's upset because it's daddy day at school today." She said and I sighed. I kissed her head. We got dressed and had breakfast. I have the day off work today. Harper dropped Summer off at school. Harper came back and sat next to me on the couch.

"I'm a bad mom." Harper said, sitting with her head in her hands.

"No you're not." I said.

"I am. She's upset." She said.

"I have a suggestion, but only if you're okay with it." I said and she looked at me confused.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I could surprise Summer at school. I could be her stand in daddy for the day, but not if you don't want me to." I suggested and she smiled.

"You'd really do that?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied and she hugged me.

"Thank you." She said. I got up and went drove to Summer's school. I walked up to the reception lady.

"Hi, I'm here for Summer Upton for the daddy day thing." I said and she looked surprised.

"I didn't think anyone would be here for her. She's been so upset bless her. She has been crying all morning." She said and I frowned.

"Can I speak to her a minute before I go in?" I asked and she nodded. I went into the room where Summer was. She was sat on the floor crying, looking down. I crouched down to her level.

"What's with the tears?" I asked and she looked up shocked. She made a confused face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I thought I'd come and be your stand in daddy for the day, if that's okay with you." I said and she smiled. She immediately hugged me. We went into her class. It was her go up. She brought me to the front of the class with her.

"I don't have a daddy, but I have an Adam. He works with my momma and he is my friend. He is a police officer. He catches bad guys." She said and I smiled.

"Are you a superhero?" Some kid asked. I put my finger up to my lips.

"Shh, don't tell anyone." I said and all the kids looked shocked. After Summer finished talking, we went and sat down. She sat on my lap and rested against my chest. We listened to some of the other kids before it was time to go. I put her in a car seat and started the car.

"Thank you for being my daddy today Adam." Summer said and I smiled.

"It's okay princess." I replied.

"Are you and mommy dating?" She asked.

"Umm, we started dating a few days ago." I answered. She smiled.

"I want you to be my daddy, but I need to know you more." She said very maturely.

"How do you feel about your mommy and I dating?" I asked.

"Happy." She said smiling. We got to Harper's house and she ran straight up to Harper.

"How was school?" Harper asked.

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