Chapter 14

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Hailey's POV
Kim and I were woken up in the middle of the night by a scream. We rushed into Anna's room. She was sat up panting, with tears streaming down her face. We sat on the bed next to her. Kim wrapped her arm around Anna.

"Shh, you're alright." She said softly. Anna started to calm down after a few minutes.

"I'm sorry I woke you guys." She said shaking.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologise." I said and she smiled slightly. Kim and I comforted Anna for a while before going back to bed. We cuddled and slept until 8am. I got up and decided to make a nice breakfast. I was about to start making french toast when I realised that Anna might not like it. My thoughts were interrupted when Anna came out of her room.

"Good morning." I said and she smiled.

"Good morning." She replied.

"Are you hungry for breakfast?" I asked.

"Yes please. What are we having?" She asked.

"Is french toast with strawberries okay?" I asked and her face lit up.

"That's my favourite." She said and I smiled.

"Can I help?" She asked.

"Sure." I said and she smiled. She helped me make breakfast and I enjoyed it.

"It's nice having a helper in the kitchen. I don't trust your mom to help me cook; she'd probably burn the house down." I said and Anna chuckled.

"I would not burn the house down." I heard behind me. I turned around to see Kim stood with her hands on her hips. I gave her an 'are you sure about that?' look.

"Okay, maybe I would." She said, causing Anna and I to chuckle. We finished making breakfast and sat at the table and ate. Once we had finished eating, I put our plates in the dishwasher. I looked in the fridge and saw we didn't have much food in.

"We literally have no food." Kim said looking towards me.

"I'm gonna go shopping later." I said and she nodded. I got dressed for the day and went into the living room. I saw Kim sat staring into space.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"I tried talking to Anna about what her nightmare was about and she shut me down completely. She said it was nothing, but I could tell there was something wrong. Does she not trust me? Did I do something to make her feel uncomfortable talking to me?" She asked.

"Kim, take a breath. What ever it is, she probably doesn't want to speak about it. If she wants to tell you, she will. Let her tell you in her own time, that's what builds trust." I said and she nodded.

"I feel like it's something big hails. The face she made when I tried to bring the nightmare up, I will never forget it. She looked terrified." She said.

"I could go try talk to her." I suggested.

"Would you, please?" Kim begged and I nodded. I kissed her and headed towards Anna's room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said. I opened the door slowly.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked softly and she nodded. I sat opposite her.

"Your mom said that you didn't want to talk about the nightmare you had last night. Is there a reason why? Why don't you want to tell her?" I asked sadly and she stayed silent.

"You can tell me." I suggested and she shook her head.

"Why don't you want to say anything?" I asked.

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