Chapter 15

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Harper's POV
I was woken up the next morning by Summer jumping on Adam and I. I opened my eyes and smiled. I kissed Adam's cheek as he woke up a few seconds after me.

"Momma, did you say yes?" Summer asked, tilting her head.

"You knew daddy was going to ask me?" I said surprised and she nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, he asked for my bwessing." She answered and my heart warmed. I looked over at Adam and he smiled at me. I kissed him.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He replied.

"What are we doing today?" Summer asked.

"Today is a special day. Everyone in intelligence has the day off. Since it's warm, we are going to have everyone over and have a barbecue." I said and she smiled.

"Can I go in the pool today?" She asked. I recently had my garden done, which included having a big pool.

"The pool guy said it can be used now." I said and she smiled brightly.

"I can't wait." She said excitedly and I smiled.

"The pool's deep, does she know how to swim?" Adam asked.

"I'm a good swimmer daddy." Summer said proudly and he smiled at her.

"I put her in swim lessons when she was 6 months old. Plus, I bought a bunch of floaties." I said and Adam nodded.

"Are we meeting Anna today?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. She looks like the double of Kim apparently. They even have the same favourite food, it's weird." I said and he nodded. We got out of bed. I dressed Summer in her swimwear, then she put a little dress on top. I got dressed afterwards. We went into the kitchen to find breakfast already on the table. I smiled at Adam. We ate breakfast and then sat outside. I heard the side gate open. I already knew who it was. Hailey, Kim, and a girl I guessed was Anna came into my view.

"Hey guys," I said before turning towards Anna, "I'm Hailey's sister Harper." The girl smiled. We went and sat down and Summer frowned.

"Momma, who is that girl?" She asked confused. We all smiled.

"That's Anna, Kim's daughter." I said and Summer nodded. I heard the gate open again and saw Jay. He introduced himself to Anna. Kevin came a few minutes later. I went into my new outside kitchen

"Does anyone want a drink? I've got beer, pink lemonade, and regular lemonade." I said. I got everyone their drinks and we sat and relaxed. It's nice to have a day off. Suddenly, Summer got up and took her dress off, leaving her in her bathing suit. She ran and jumped in the pool. Jay and Kevin quickly stood up and went to get her.

"She can swim, your faces were priceless though." I said and we all chuckled. She went down the slide and into the pool a few times.

"Momma, you should come in." She said.

"I don't know." I said, not really wanting get in. She sat on the edge of the pool with her hands on her hips.

"Why would you buy a pool if you're not going to use it?" She asked and we all smiled.

"She's got a point." Hailey said. I got up and changed into my swimming costume. I walked to where the pool was.

"Momma, are you going to jump?" Summer asked smiling.

"Even better." I said. I moved back and did a round off back handspring back tuck into the pool. I reached the surface of the water coming back up and saw a bunch of shocked faces.

"What?" I asked.

"What was that?" Adam asked.

"Hailey and I were gymnasts." I said.

"Wait really?" Jay asked.

"Yeah." I said. Anna took off her shirt and shorts, leaving her in her bathing suit. She joined Summer and I in the pool. Suddenly, my phone started to ring. Adam picked it up and looked at it since I was in the pool.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's just a number." He said. Hailey grabbed the phone off of him and answered it.

"Hello? this is need to leave her alone...I don't care what you guys clearly ended things for a reason." She said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Derek." She said and I sighed.

"Who's Derek?" Adam asked.

"My ex." I said. Hailey blocked the number and we all chilled. It was warm out, so it was nice in the pool. Adam cooked food. I needed to make salad and stuff to eat with the burgers. I was holding Summer in the pool.

"Baby, I have to make food. I have to get out." I said and she frowned. I could tell she was about to start crying. I recently taught her not to cry, but instead use her words.

"Use your words." I said.

"I don't want you to get out, I want you to play with me," she said before resting her head on my chest, "I don't want you to leave me. I don't want to be on my own."

I moved her so she was looking at me.

"Hey, you're not alone okay. I'm just going to be inside." I said.

"I'm in here with you anyway." Anna said and I smiled at her.

"See?" I said and Summer smiled. She allowed me to get out. I wrapped a towel around my body and made salad and side dishes. We all ate together and had a good time. Everyone left after a while and Adam and I were cuddling in bed. I was holding his head to my chest. One thing I have always loved about Adam is he likes to cuddle into me at night. It is so adorable. He always tell me to call him manly pet names, but how am I supposed to do that when looks cute?

"Goodnight." He said yawning.

"Goodnight my love." I replied.

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