Chapter 18

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*2 years later*

Harper's POV
I waddled into my living room where everyone was. Yes, waddled. I'm 9 months pregnant. There was a big noise.

"There's a big storm." Natalie said. We had a few friends over. It was me, Adam, Summer, Kim, hailey, Anna, Natalie, and Will. Just then, I felt something in between my legs.

"Guys, we've got a problem." I said. I walked around the counter so I was in their view. Natalie saw and quickly came over to me.

"Trust you to go into labour in the middle of a superstorm." Hailey said.

"Everything's okay, I prepare for stuff like this. Will, go get my supplies out of my car." Natalie instructed and he nodded.

"Is baby brother coming now?" Summer asked.

"Yeah baby." I replied. Natalie helped me into mine and Adam's bathroom.

"It doesn't look like the storm is going anywhere. You're going to have to deliver here." She said and I panicked. She must've noticed my change in demeanour.

"Hey, it's okay. I've done this loads of times." She said and I nodded.

"Right, it's up to you. You can deliver in the bath or on the floor." She said.

"Bath please." I said. She started running me a nice warm bath. Adam came rushing in.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked.

"Well, seen as though I have a baby coming out of me and there's no way of getting to the hospital, I'd say that everything is perfect." I replied sarcastically.
I took off my sweats and Natalie helped me into the bath. It was the perfect temperature. Not too warm, but not too hot. A contraction hit and it hurt like hell. I groaned in pain. Adam bent down to my level.

"Hey, look at me," he said, his eyes meeting mine, "you've got this." I nodded and kissed him. He stroked my hair and rubbed my back. After a while, Natalie checked how dilated I was.

"Wow." She said.

"What is it?" I asked, not knowing what was going on.

"You're at 10cm. I need you to start pushing." She said and I nodded. Adam gripped my hand and I pushed as hard as I could. It hurt so bad. I pushed for around 1 hour and barely anything was happening. Adam kept kissing my head and cheek continuously, reassuring me that he was there for me no matter what.

"Okay Harper, one more push okay." Natalie instructed and I nodded. I pushed really hard and then I felt relief. Natalie held up my beautiful baby boy. I looked at Adam and we smiled at each other. Natalie placed our baby in my arms and I couldn't help but cry. He was so amazing. He definitely looked like Adam.

"Hey bud." Adam said, grasping the small fingers of our son. In that moment, everything seemed to fall into place. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful witty daughter, and an adorable son. My life is complete.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

A/N - It's probably come as a surprise that I've ended this story with not that many chapters. My heart is just not in it anymore. Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented, I appreciate it a lot.

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